Company of Heroes


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bro i got too much shit to do to be obese


byrds chicken, dave’s hot chicken, canes, popeyes, KFC, or harold’s chicken...any suggestions???


byrds chicken, dave’s hot chicken, canes, popeyes, or harold’s chicken., any suggestions ?


or byrds


i don't know shit about cars to be fair


nobody designs some dumb ass shit and then puts a premium engine on it


yeah anything with a honda is normally legit


I have welled up so much over the last few hours. I'm by no means a royalist, I'm from Lancashire, where the men are big and dumb. This set me over the edge. Good night and god bless Your Majesty.


if you're getting one of the beefy ones get one with a honda engine


got a pressure washer but it's just some mains powered thing, hardly used it really


10bag will never be homless cuz he will always have a place to live, either in Dexen's head rent free or in smoko_coh's head rent free


He laughs at me,i laugh at him,I'm not the best tanker,i play 100 times,once a hundred,I play tanks well,I show here such a replay,I play badly on tanks 99 times,(that's an example),you play tanks better than me.I'm not on the list of the best tankers,my game is based on luck.The best tankers-MrSleaze.Argentinosaurus.General_Cheeze_.Simply@river-fishing.Feking.I'm not close to this list


bro there's some pastas twitch just doesn't accept LUL


DansGame DansGame


I manage to catch a crowd of snipers with calliopes, I manage to catch a sniper and a cannon again, the Wehrmacht loses a lot of snipers, runs away after half an hour, after that they call me a maphacker.I have only one question, what is the reason to call me a maphacker???


I lose tanks and return -200, but even calliopes may not help if they divide their troops, if calliope shots are not effective, then 100%, defeat




it doesn't send


bro why won't it say that pasta


oh you like?


the whole game I lose infantry, I do nothing but capture points (I've been learning this all my life), then I start building T4, but I do not know what tanks to make, if there are a lot of bazookas, then Shermans, if there are panthers, then M10, I thought there would be panthers, I was wrong, he played a crowd of bazookas,it turns out I don't have anything, I don't pose a danger,but cool noobs don't know this, I start collecting bonus points, thanks to ammunition, to summon calliopes


yesterday i left before i could answer your question lol but Jeeps don't kill infantry, he loses the whole map, gives you a lot of time and resources, loses tanks that he made late, moves guns closer, also loses the whole game, he has nothing, you could run up with a crowd of infantry at the beginning, destroy him immediately,panthers could appear faster, who is this a noob? If I'm wrong, leave a comment, but I don't think my eyes are deceiving me.




okay, i have a few fried chicken options.. byrds chicken, dave’s hot chicken, canes, popeyes, or harold’s chicken., any suggestions ?


no bro just fantasize like revo fantisize that thousands of girls are watching him play COH and simply fantiziing that bunch of barivian and ukrainian girls are watch them in COH tourney


it could be any old schizophrenic ramble, but he ties it up perfectly and you know it's koda with the microscopicbaby ending ♥️


These are not wise men they are wise guys mobsters sending a hit on posterity. They can be called idiots or evil but only Hitler would call someone wise when they disclose the place of which the Jews are located so that he may slaughter them. Wake up people, have no false gods before the one who is the author of this reality. The one who made you equal to me even when you were one single cell microscopicbaby.


i can channel him


i can get you some fresh koda pasta if you want bro


they are ripping apart the fetusisters like warm bread followed by eating out her remains by oral intercourse like au jus sauce therefore they will go down in history as necropedophiliacs, cannibals, and necrobeastialitist

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