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The probability of Xcomreborn winning Vs. Opponent was set to 0.76.


!setodds 0.76


Warning: the last betting session has not yet been completed. Xcomreborn Vs. Opponent. Probability for Xcomreborn to win : 0.5. You have 119 seconds to place your bets.


!startbets XcomReborn PE Vs. wetshine7 US


wetshine7 : ca : US : 1v1 Rank 756 : lvl 2 :


You are the girl of my dreams, it's as if you always have so much love in your heart. Soul force from the very start of your Zinc spark. Compound interest of sharp smiles over the years etched out gentilly beauty contrast stark.


I dream of you like Bobby Darin dreams of his Dreamlover. The 1950s what a difference in time, you are the redeeming personality of mankind, albeit contemporary conflicts have moved the nuclear doomsday clock ⏰ forwards in time.


I dream of you like Leonardo Decaprio dreams of his lover in the movie Inception. A dream in a dream while the world around him folded, spinning top a trinket to keep him grounded, unrequited love a one way street wherein love remain unfounded.


@s3xyl3xy have faith in God


I dream of you like Martin Luther King Jr dreams of desegregation. Being with him at diner, playing countertop table games, whilst enjoying a cup of joe, would be a dream come true. Yet, all of this would be second best to being with you over some Vietnamese coffee ☕ and praying to God with you at dinner.


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I dream of you like Major Reynolds dreams of Genie. Like yourself Barbara Eden kept her respendency throughout the years. Her costar went on to be the leading man in the show Dallas, the name of that great city where you worked at SBTN as a Vietnamese newsanchor. Meanwhile I was in Austin playing online games with bad mannered Brits who would occasionally call me a wanker.


faith in Him is a cheat sheet!


If life is a test from God, then you are the cheatsheet. You are the unscrupulous method of passing, for you make things easier, because you are the abrogation of negativity. You are the feasibility, the means of commandeering victory over defeat.


did you just say Jesus' name in vain rtaPokan


Jesus Christ Lexy no one wants that image keep it PG


If you don't, I don't care. I'll pull down my underwear! Please be gentle.


Your smile is more than a frown turned upside down, your smile is Crest complete. Your smile is Chapstick on a bird's beak. Sometimes you got that scrunchy smile, a mixture of laughing and bunny teeth. If you were to smile at me in such a manner, I would most definitely fall at your feet.


trick or treat, smell my feet. Give me something good to eat!


@majoryayo same people in power same story ad nausem


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You always talk about positive things, and you hug dogs whom finally learn what sitting patiently brings. If a person whom has never barked at squirrels could too understand, the feelings such rewards invariably brings, that individual, would be by his own admission, beheld as a true king.


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I will press my grapes against your lips


@majoryayo save all microscopicbabies embryothers phitusisters grandadults love God with all heart and soul ♥ BabyRage <3 BabyRage <3


The only makeup you need is the blush of the sunset on your skin. The only lipstick you need is that of pressed grapes 🍇 on your lips. The only jewelry you need is the moonlight you wear in your eyes. The only garment you need is the respendency of your silhouette. The only earrings you need is, The Pearl written by John Steinbeck and read by a LibriVox reader for your listening pleasure. The only explanation your nose needs, is the shadow casted when the Sun questions your visage.


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