XCoin Streamer - [xcomreborn]


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Idiotic comments from everyone, the only thing I can't understand is a pawn, the statistics are written for different people, in order to roughly know the level of the players whom you called newcomers or strong, this comment can be understood in different ways


gamereplay forum?


theyre bangers


very high purity pasta mine


bro i've only scratched the surface of these new pastas


where are these pastas coming from CarlSmile imba28 name drop so its a little older


bro since you are PHD in biology, humans are made to nut inside women on special occasions to reproduce, so if you are nutting 3 times a day 9 hours a day to BBC porn, what does that do to your motivation system?


I can write statistics,but this is not needed here,all players top 3-3,besides imba28,he's new to statistics,but he played well,i revisited replay,my headquarters was demolished (lol),i lost everything,Briton tore me up,this repetition,will give you pleasure.


I can't believe you don't just use a twitch chat overlay instead of this obnoxious text to speech lmao wtf I like the gameplay but I can't deal with this fucking TTS lol, peace


this game is a fun war with idiots like you. it will make me more eager to come i like to engage in talking with you because when i talk to you, i consider you like a penis that caresses its lover hahahahahaha


With the doctrine of tanks, I'm losing here, I'm 100% sure.Anyone who thinks I'm a maphacker,Read attentively-if i play with a maphack,i will rip any player,especially 3-3,in 3-3 mode,I will immediately have 20 lvl 3-3


lol. I have never accused you of cheating. But I got curious, find out who the maphacker is, and write to everyone here, I'm tired of sending everyone photos (F12), including you, this is a great compliment for me, maphackers play like me, thanks for this comment,find out and write here,who is mh,you know that i play fair,when will you be convinced again


\"what do I do against this? Guy had like 25 apm and built a trench on my cutoff. Next thing I now 12 or 14 stags are rolling into my base.\" Roman just slaps him with a L2p. The year is 2010. You take a sip of your gamer fuel mountain dew and life is good.


Some do, certainly. My father does. He wears a hat everywhere, including the dinner table and at restaurants, much to my chagrin. And when he can’t because of overwhelming social pressure (usually whenever he’s forced to wear a tie) he does a comb-over.


if only the fireflys had more range


nice game vs dumaiSS earlier. thought you had him


ah the spelling wizard has arrived


Eggs com would u sell out kung charles


this indicates your shit sample


This indicates your filth


Is this guy a smurf?


i like how syrian rags on people for using filthy words, then proceeds to call them every middle eastern vulgarity that they have


You hide your religion, this indicates your filth, and you think that you will not be held accountable for your words. What a fool you pig! Keep talking for the sake of a game that makes yourself with fire from God. Damn you! You are filthy with your words. You idiot, you filthy donkey, you enemy of God, you devil, you wild boar, you ugly idiot monkey


the minerals?


do you have the cojones?


i say that he needs to go on kill tony


wo’ah, earf, birming’am, fish n’ chips… long ago, the fou’ nations live togedah in ah’mony. then ev’ryfing changed when the IRA attacked…. only the avatah, mastah of all fou’ elements could stop ’em but when the queen needed ‘im most, ‘e vanished. 100 yea’s passed and me bruv and i found the new avatah. a fish n’ chips bendah named aang. although ‘is chipbendin’ skills ah great, ‘e still ‘as a lo’ to lea’n ‘fore ‘e’s ready to save anyone m8.




becuase its coh caine. get it? hahahahahahaha


why on earth can you not escape this game?

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