Company of Heroes


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user name message


Hi my name is tcSONGS but you can call me the Quinton Tarenito of combat footage. What do I mean? Ten Words… Jamal’s drone missile on some Vietanmese Ho Chi Minh trails (rofl I used to make drones for the US government, made around 80k a year which is not much for me because I make six figures now, I also saved the the company i worked for up to 10 million dollars)




Hey there, potential matches! My name is tcSONGS, and I'm not your typical refrigerator engineer from San Francisco. Trust me, I'm cooler than your average icebox! So, let's cut to the chase. I have a confession to make—I have a bit of an affinity for Asian women. No, no, not in a creepy or fetishizing way! It's just that I appreciate their culture and values, and I find their company genuinely enjoyable. Plus, who doesn't love some delicious Asian cuisine? Let's go on food adventures


Why u think everyone is stream sniping




he really typed nowai


Damn excom chill


@microsoftexcel2007 be yourself be original not a cookie cutter copy cat copy and paste your conjecture is incorrect, this is why you are sophomoric and your entire knowledge of the world is convoluted and distorted , get real for once in your life


like xcom still using 320 GB in 2023 and not getting the 16 TB


@microsoftexcel2007 bro its 2023 you're still using excell 2007 what a knoob


I can’t believe how much spam is on this channel. The chat is full of copy pasta, no one has any original ideas. They blindly follow whatever long message is posted in chat without thinking of the damage it is doing to the community.


Be original


You spam non stop ten bag


what retarded pasta?


Excom how do you tolerate this retarded copy pasta spam


DumaisTV is the type of guy on his Tinder profile will only put his height, as 6’0 (183cm) when he’s actually only 5’11 (180cm) but will wear tall shoes to look six feet on the date and and write in all caps WHITE GIRLS ONLY ✅ with a ✅ next to it


DumaisTV is the type of guy on his Tinder profile will only put his height, as 6’0 (183cm) when he’s actually only 5’11 (180cm) but will wear tall shoes to look six feet on the date and and write in all caps WHITE GIRLS ONLY ✅ with a ✅ next to it


DumaisTV is the type of guy who will pick his doctors based on WHTIE last names (must have DumaisHeavyWhite CheckMark next to name) and avoid doctors with Asian last names (Black doctors don’t exist in his part of Canada). But when he gets to the office though and releases the doctor is an asian woman (married a white man, hence the white name chance) will disrespectfully call her Dr. Ling Ling, then storm out of the doctor’s office yelling all asian women look the same.


DumaisTV is the type of guy on his Tinder profile will only put his height, as 6’0 (183cm) when he’s actually only 5’11 (180cm) but will wear tall shoes to look six feet on the date and and write in all caps WHITE GIRLS ONLY with a ✅ next to it


DumaisTV is the type of guy on his Tinder profile will only put his height, as 6’0 (183cm) when he’s actually only 5’11 (180cm) but will wear tall shoes to look six feet on the date and and write in all caps WHITE GIRLS ONLY with a :white_check_mark\" next to it


no shadow over dumais, nice guy if u ask me, but if he did nt have PE to racist release his racist energy now he prob have the highest rank in his local canadian chapter and get all the medals and awards at his local canadian chapter



if dumaistv was more open about it, i would be less offended its just he hides it but once he starts drinking rum and coke he can't hide it.


double banned


drinking only white rum exclusively ✅


DumaisTV is the type of guy on his Tinder profile will only put his height, as 6’0 (183cm) when he’s actually only 5’11 (180cm) but will wear tall shoes to look six feet on the date and and write in all caps WHITE GIRLS ONLY with a HeavyDumaisWhiteHeavyWhiteCheckMark next to it.


the whole game I lose infantry, I do nothing but capture points (I've been learning this all my life), then I start building T4, but I do not know what tanks to make, if there are a lot of bazookas, then Shermans, if there are panthers, then M10, I thought there would be panthers, I was wrong, he played a crowd of bazookas,it turns out I don't have anything, I don't pose a danger,but cool noobs don't know this, I start collecting bonus points, thanks to ammunition, to summon calliopes


this canadian cunt again


Septhy : ca : PE : 1v1 Rank 42 : lvl 12 :


Net T4 is searching

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