Company of Heroes


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Dexen is nothing but a crybaby who can't handle losing without throwing a fit. He's so thin-skinned that he bans anyone who doesn't praise him like a spoiled brat who needs constant validation. But the truth is, Dexen knows he sucks at the game. He's just trying to cover up his lack of skill by blaming others for his losses. It's like he's trapped in the Dunning-Kruger effect, where he overestimates his abilities and can't handle the reality of his failures.


xcom may i know story why u dont like germans ?


bar rifles maybe ?


my sister who believes they are a clump of cells went through ivf and she had 10 left over embryos she then took them out of cryopreservation because she didnt want to pay for them to remain living, thereafter she took them home and put them into her refrigerator, from the same source she served thanksgiving and christmas diner from, so i dont go there any longer


Greasy ass brandi is the type of guy you give him a giftcard to an Argentinian Salad Restaurant to help him try to lose weight, he immediately tries to trade in the Argentinian Salad restaurant giftcard for a giftcard to his favorite Greasy Argentinian Buffet Restuarant


GloboDisco … soon many derationated lul enjoying NPCs, rendered insane by their contradictory AI programming, with screeching outbursts of vituperation, will be set upon you; as these refugees from morality drag you from your car, please to think it must be your fault somehow


need first suply yard upgrade


Jeeps don't kill infantry, he loses the whole map, gives you a lot of time and resources, loses tanks that he made late, moves guns closer, also loses the whole game, he has nothing, you could run up with a crowd of infantry at the beginning, destroy him immediately,panthers could appear faster, who is this a noob? If I'm wrong, leave a comment, but I don't think my eyes are deceiving me.


relevant pasta


Do you have more filth, you idiot? Your words have no taste. You idiot, you filthy donkey, you enemy of God, you devil, you wild boar, you ugly idiot monkey


dexen the type of guy that would try to illegally escape the 3rd world, but his 200 cm body cannot fit inside tiny shipping container so they send him back to the package's return address in Georgia back to his 3rd world life


im srue syrian tiger btich pig is gay endeffektdeiirium 🖕🏻 He’s fucking himself, he thinks he’s strong, but he’s a fool because he dare not play 1v1 with me🖕🏻


He laughs at me,i laugh at him,I'm not the best tanker,i play 100 times,once a hundred,I play tanks well,I show here such a replay,I play badly on tanks 99 times,(that's an example),you play tanks better than me.I'm not on the list of the best tankers,my game is based on luck.The best tankers-MrSleaze.Argentinosaurus.General_Cheeze_.Simply@river-fishing.Feking.I'm not close to this list


how about a modern classic?


I woke up 20 minutes ago, if I'm a bad player, if I'm a noob, if I'm an idiot, you lost to me, then who are you???I do not know why the jeep did not explode on a mine, this is not my problem.


pay for nades or lodzje


This tactic was called idiotic, but then they mastered it and understood everything


Why is your voice like that, the one who puts his head in the trash can and speaks from it or as if you are talking from an iron pipe wtf man


you need nades now


dexen type of guy to take on a job he fundamentally doesn't understand, and then quit within one hour LUL


“what do I do against this? Guy had like 25 apm and built a trench on my cutoff. Next thing I now 12 or 14 stags are rolling into my base.” Roman just slaps him with a L2p. The year is 2010. You take a sip of your gamer fuel mountain dew and life is good.


See me months or even the end of this year I promise I will have a powerful computer ready to play seriously


wow, i log on to twitch tv to chat with people and to watch a good streamer, then you guys fking spam this chat with your dumb SabaPing and dumb sht copy pastas that are not even close to funny. i dont even giggle from your shtty jokes. fk you and if you fking copy this message im reporting each one of you. you all think your fking funny


I can't believe you don't just use a twitch chat overlay instead of this obnoxious text to speech lmao wtf I like the gameplay but I can't deal with this fucking TTS lol, peace


Keep talking for the sake of a game that makes yourself with fire from God - this one is low key fire


why i am not mod, give me sword so i can ban scammer sadness, once i worked at scammy work, i quit in 1 hour thats so gay stealing money to other people when i realized that i had to steal money i dropp off call and quit job


Still same lies? Comeon man, stop saying lies about mom, thats nit nice. U were saying 1 year ago that your mom died, now u say 1 month. Wtf is this?


\"Age - 18 minimum to apply: 16. Have never had an issue with 18+ clans, even when I was only thirteen. You'll find that despite my occasional bout of -- shall we say -- being odd, I'm quite knowledgeable in several, albeit random, facts. I'm extremely mature (Excluding aforementioned bouts), and can hold a conversation with almost anyone, provided they're not trying to slam me over the head with the Bible.\" - SONGS




untied states always gets me

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