Company of Heroes


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CommandoKai: \"I started to use these tissues, I've made it from lvl 9 to 12. I still have a long way to go but I've seen a huge improvement!\"




back in the day you could come in here and sometimes learn something from xcoms science lessons and his rambles about politics or history, now its just pasta about fish and dogs. 10bag ruined this stream for me and he needs to get a life


its official, xcoms PE is cracked


tik tok is worse than porn, at least porn you need like 30-40 minute attention span to watch whole video tik tok kids bust in like 5 seconds


cisalpine gaul on top of it would be very generous Kreygasm


i want command of a single legion province please. Illyrica by preference


LUL true




position 8 from china WutFace and we cant even ban him after the game


me too, especially if its with your face on it and one some of your greatest quotes


despite the tribunes veto?


I want to use tribunes Veto to unban pwnstick please


how much pay to unban pwnstick?


really ban good old pwnstick? he didnt even win :(


🚬 Studies have shown that cigarette butts in water are toxic to fish 🐟 , water fleas 🐟 and marine bacteria 🐟 . For fish 🚬 , the evidence shows that smoked cigarette 🐟 filters with some remaining tobacco 🐟 are toxic to fish 🚬🐟 species at concentrations as low as one butt per liter of water. 🚬🐟


An obvious difference between the two habitats is salt concentration. Freshwater fish maintain the physiological mechanisms that permit them to concentrate salts within their bodies in a salt-deficient environment; marine fish, on the other hand, excrete excess salts in a hypertonic environment.


Bro it was those snitches that don't like Nietzsche, I spam Mien Kampf Quotes and they are happy, I write some Nietzsche wisdom they snitch on me i need to go by to mein kampf, people don't like Nietzsche's wisdom


that sucks imagine, watching stream to get some moment to reprot streamer, imagine how cringe u should be ye bro, what ever, u never donated but i stole money, logic kills me imagine getting madd when i get donation. u are really sad bro


In Tajikistan, a unibrow is viewed as an attractive quality in both men and women. For women, it is associated with virginity and purity and, in men, virility. If there is no unibrow present, or if it is weak, it is commonplace for women to use a kohl liner or a modern kajal pen to simulate a unibrow.


uncerbridge whore 10bag, if i stole money, be sure i would give it to you for 1 normal mean 10bag will run from UK when i arrive their omg, thos udnerbridge whore addpoted dog, is so annoying, blocked, and still can hear him. when putin said after ukraine next is Uk, im sure u were running to USA in that second i dont care on ur sad life. u just say something, u dont do it and then u blame me in moneystealing .


Make real spaghetti pasta not 10beg pasta


Zander can be caught on small lures, but generally they prefer either dead baits or, better still, live baits. Using fish as bait involves the use of a double or treble hook and wire trace. Part of the hook holds the bait in place while the other part is used to hook the fish.


Make real spaghetti pasta not 10beg pasta


hurry xcom you can kick his ass again


gravemouth switched to coh 1 Kreygasm


ok enough autismo, lets play coh 1


i want u find any frorum from relic or coh u write my proble there or give me some link for contact with relic or sega for they fix that problem i remember coh had a forum for problem of game


i remember something about a time mashine he was building


i had great koda pasta on my pre ban twitch account, its lost forever and its the worst thing about the ban :(

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