Company of Heroes


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Don’t it consider it racist to call anybody from South America a Mexican WutFace


I am just used to it. It is not Zoom Hack, it is Zoom option. it is just bullshit from relic to have this super zoomed in option as default. you dont see it in any other rts like age of empires or someting like this. I mean I don't even Zoom out like statement ( SabaPing ) . Like I just zoom out 50..not much. what you guys think about a rule for zooming that is max. 50. This is just a bit more that the standard


i dont care on ur sad life. u just say something, u dont do it and then u blame me in moneystealing . that sucks imagine, watching stream to get some moment to reprot streamer, imagine how cringe u should be ye bro, what ever, u never donated but i stole money, logic kills me imagine getting madd when i get donation. u are really sad bro


you need something about developers only use the console command


DumbassTV and Xcomreborn are examples of racism on two opposite ends of the spectrum, DumbassTV is an openly racist roleplaying ww2 so he prefers to fantasize about two white people making love in order to create beautiful white pure race children for the next generation of Canadians while Xcom’s is more of a deeply repressed closeted racism full of irrational fears such as Jamal jumping out of the bushes to attack him


baby micro LUL


DumaisTV type of guy that goes to Art Portrait Museum full of paintings of people, when he sees paintings of Napoleon and King Louis the III, he is fine, but when he sees portraits of Malcolm X and M.L.K. he complains to the front desk about why those pictures are not real art because they are from the 1960s and not from the 1800s


Baby Micro brought to you by mister economy


lol damn alfred


we got good copy pasta now


you're improving shit bag


the pasta hasn't changed, it must be you who is different


So the question becomes: has the pasta changed? Or have I?


Why do i have a feeling that @throwthematch would be one of those gym bro douchbages who drink protein powder all day on a tv show like the bachelorette or hot love prison island Australian version or Big Brother Australia


only imaginations running wild


that's all I see here


DumaisTV type of guy to buy a Disney subscription just so he can complain in the Disney members forum/comment section, then try to cancel his subscription, when the customer support lady says seeing too many black people in star wars is not a valid reason for canceling membership, then he rage quits the call and binge watches ww2 documentaries on Disney for one month and claims he has no time to play COH until August


Baby micro snipers Lul


Baby Micro is ducking this guy up


I am just used to it. It is not Zoom Hack, it is Zoom option. it is just bullshit from relic to have this super zoomed in option as default. you dont see it in any other rts like age of empires or someting like this. I mean I don’t even Zoom out like statement ( SabaPing ) . Like I just zoom out 50..not much. what you guys think about a rule for zooming that is max. 50. This is just a bit more that the standard.


I think its perfect time to remind opp about his baby micro and the falklands


Christo bro what have they done to you sleeping schedule :(


I just woke up LUL




It’s 3 am go back to sleep NotLikeThis


hard training yesterday and went to sleep super early


I think coh 3 should add a pregnant female skin. Every kill she gets she slowly gives birth. When in water blood comes out. At 10 kills she gives birth and the baby can be your pet. Thoughts? Relic should hire me yo


china had a two child. policy followed by oral sex mixing bats blood in mouth with dead fetusisters, thus furnished the means for Zoonotic Zoonosis diseases such as Covid19. It takes bats blood cells mixed with human cells what other means can carry into execution all the firing of triggers neccsary and proper for Zoonotic diseases.


I feel fresh. I think I go get some coffee. How are you feeling alfy? :)


the microscopic babies are being littered throughout texas because the embro is not allowed to choose his sex as a fetus for he is murdered before given the due process of delivery, there for has not the right to choose his sex

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