Company of Heroes


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user name message \/


he just can


1aveator type of guy when he sees an overweight friend, instead of helping his friend lose weight and race to see who can lose weight faster, he does weight gain challenge and challenges friends to see who can gain weight faster and get fatter the fastest


bro I love how these people that distrust the media and listen to some cuck are actually the ones being fooled while they think they are being the woke hating on the sheep I listen to people that are actually there and know what they are talking about, not the virtue signalling media that you like Statement remember when the media was trying to say Trump was going senile years ago, but they're not concerned at all that Biden can barely string a sentence together




they got a sugar hit from stealing all the foreign assets in Russia but that will wear off and they will get teleported back to the 90s and china won't risk saving them cus they only account for 2 percent of their trade


strongest economies in the world when will china take over


xcom bro since you are PHD in biology, humans are made to nut inside women on special occasions to reproduce, so if you are nutting 3 times a day 9 hours a day to BBC porn, what does that do to your motivation system?


xcom always building strongholds that are impenetrable to the common noob


you can tell this game is favourable to axis


bro i'm trying to scroll up to that one but there's so many good pastas on the way


i need that one WutFace


you know it’s smartest thing you people did in this community because their going so many uninstalling coh for good to be treated something better then coal burner in stove for someone’s else’s benefit


you can tell this game is only favourable to germans because americans unit can’t come up complete with bars for every crew in squad and Jeep doesn’t look strong enough with the hit points it got that confuses the player thinking it too weak by it appearance


you can tell this game is only favourable to germans because americans unit can’t come up complete with bars for every crew in squad and Jeep doesn’t look strong enough with the hit points it got that confuses the player thinking it too weak by it appearance


you can tell this game is only favourable to germans because americans unit can’t come up complete with bars for every crew in squad and Jeep doesn’t look strong enough with the hit points it got that confuses the player thinking it too weak by it appearance


you can tell this game is only favourable to germans because americans unit can’t come up complete with bars for every crew in squad and Jeep doesn’t look strong enough with the hit points it got that confuses the player thinking it too weak by it appearance


thinking it too weak by it appearance






I couldn't have said it better


you can try bro


you can tell this game is only favourable to germans because americans unit can’t come up complete with bars for every crew in squad and Jeep doesn’t look strong enough with the hit points it got that confuses the player thinking it too weak by it appearance


( ☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) ☞ one month gay semen


you can tell this game is only favourable to germans because americans unit can’t come up complete with bars for every crew in squad and Jeep doesn’t look strong enough with the hit points it got that confuses the player thinking it too weak by it appearance


( ☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) ☞ one month gay semen, thoughts?


I have a theory


why napoleon has 100 viewers


horny gay release LUL LUL


how do they come up with it


I have a theory why Napoleon has one hundred viewers, People are so horny cuz they didn't get horny gay release from napoleon for one month, one month of gay semen trapped inside balls

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