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I had forgotten how much joy one can feel whilst watching another do something with passion, principles, proffesionalism and pride.


such a man is a great treasure


Sometimes, people have the urge to cry when they don’t want to and while it is important to note that there is nothing wrong with crying, there are some ways to control and prevent it from happening. It is important to remember that crying could be a sign of a deeper problem, and if anyone suspects this is the case, they should visit their doctor. Symptoms of crying include water coming from your eyes, typing kill yourself in a video game, flexing about how amazing your life is in coh chat


bro you're altering the scripture like these new christian churches who pretend they don't hate gay people


Sometimes, people have the urge to cry when they don’t want to and while it is important to note that there is nothing wrong with crying, there are some ways to control and prevent it from happening. It is important to remember that crying could be a sign of a deeper problem, and if anyone suspects this is the case, they should visit their doctor. Symptoms of crying include water coming from your eyes, typing kill yourself in a video game, flexing about how amazing your life is in coh chat


i really should start to save all the copy pastas


megamegaman : hu : WM : 1v1 Rank 155 : lvl 9 :


this is the point where t2s starts hurting


!startbets XcomReborn US Vs. megamegaman WM


Warning: the last betting session has not yet been completed. Xcomreborn Vs. Opponent. Probability for Xcomreborn to win : 0.5. You have 119 seconds to place your bets.


!setodds 0.72


The probability of Xcomreborn winning Vs. Opponent was set to 0.72.


the text match good with the music


commandokai timed out aalex5070 for 600 seconds 4Head kai is back for a short break from his 24/7 grind trying to get level 10 brit 1v1


!bet all win


Staff Sergeant Pcacer has already placed a bet in this betting session. You are limited to one bet per person per session.


is xcom muted


@LUCKBAR just access our biological copy pasta database called 10bag


Im still here SabaPing


humans are weak, even 10bag has his little offline time


!10bag fishcopypasta


commandokai could be an level 9 brit player consistently if he directed all his sexual 20 years of sexual frustration energy into coh


you think there's only one fish pasta?


i have a whole section just for fish pastas


I am just used to it. It is not Zoom Hack, it is Zoom option. it is just bullshit from relic to have this super zoomed in option as default. you dont see it in any other rts like age of empires or someting like this. I mean I don't even Zoom out like statement ( SabaPing ) . Like I just zoom out 50..not much. what you guys think about a rule for zooming that is max. 50. This is just a bit more that the standard.


damn i didnt know you were this advanced


With the first release we want to test the basics of multiplayer. Further development will include new fish abilities and passives, new fun content for both single and multiplayer with game mods.


SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing SabaPing


Betting has ended, gl!


I have applied many of the techniques out in what we call, \"The Bush\" riverside camping for eels trout and fresh water. 10-15 pound eels and 5 pound trout, oh and salmon too, they get big SabaPing

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