Company of Heroes


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user name message \/


bro i actually have my profile picture as ukraine flag for 75% of the day and then i switch it to pure black for the remaining 25% of the day


it's important that we all do what we can




@aalex5070 canada?




doing ur part





when u pay 25p for a bag i suppose u feel all warm and fuzzy inside about saving the butterflies in africa too


They wanted to make a law so you couldn’t go to cinemas, pubs, or any type of social activity without that shit euro passport


usa has mexico, europe has africa


its just a not validated pcr test and corona subtypes known since the 70s. goverment sold his citizens to pharma. thats simply it it


@eazyas this is like when they have us army adverts during csgo major


and alcohol


We had the most % of vaccinated people and we were the last to quit those nonsense covid rules


Even if you were 100% right about beating a dangerous disease with a vaccine I would glady choose to not follow any of your advices and fail miserably just to make sure not to listen to anything that comes out of that mouth of yours SabaPing


Government bought so many shots they donnated them to latin america because they would expire soon


i think statement quit because he realised he created a new pasta, and he's not ready to process that information yet


My name is Statement ( SabaPing ) and I am a Dutch Company of Heroes player, playing competitive ranked automatches. Currently studying chemistry SabaPing and a passion SabaPing for SabaPing music SabaPing production SabaPing /DJ-ing. You can see my current SabaPing rank in the SabaPing panel extension. During the games you can see the opponent ranking SabaPing on the screen and you can bet on me to win or lose to participate in the StateCoin race.


typical cocaine that is bought on the street is a white or slightly off-white powder that is bitter when tasted and it causes numbness in the mouth and tongue. High-potency cocaine is pearly white in appearance. Because of its iridescent shine, it is called fish scale cocaine. This type of cocaine is much purer than regular coke. In fact, the cocaine that is typically sold on the street is only about 60% pure. Fish scale cocaine is usually 90% pure, with far less additives SabaPing


My name is Statement ( SabaPing ) and I am a Dutch Company of Heroes player, playing competitive ranked automatches. Currently studying chemistry SabaPing and a passion SabaPing for SabaPing music SabaPing production SabaPing /DJ-ing. You can see my current SabaPing rank in the SabaPing panel extension. During the games you can see the opponent ranking SabaPing on the screen and you can bet on me to win or lose to participate in the StateCoin race.


Its not even zoom hack, its zoom option SabaPing


I am just used to it. It is not Zoom Hack, it is Zoom option. it is just bullshit from relic to have this super zoomed in option as default. you dont see it in any other rts like age of empires or someting like this. I mean I don't even Zoom out like statement ( SabaPing ) . Like I just zoom out 50..not much. what you guys think about a rule for zooming that is max. 50. This is just a bit more that the standard.


Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition in a child that results from alcohol exposure during the mother's pregnancy. Fetal alcohol syndrome causes brain damage and growth problems. The problems caused by fetal alcohol syndrome vary from child to child, but defects caused by fetal alcohol syndrome are not reversible SabaPing


no hetzer no win as usual


SabaPing passion SabaPing for SabaPing sturzdorf SabaPing langres SabaPing 1v1 SabaPing / SabaPing 2v2 SabaPing and SabaPing duclair SabaPing MONTARGIS SabaPing semois SabaPing


Hi I’m new to this whole online dating thing, but online I go by SONGS. I used to go by Boxy because I was chubby and boxy looking, but now I’m fit and making six figures I go by SONGS ROFL. (Jokes on all the guys in high school that used to make fun of me for being fat) Message or DM me if you want to know why I changed my name to SONGS. It has something to do with my ex who lives in the UK (She also makes six figures like me but through onlyfans ROFL)


Hi I’m new to this whole online dating thing, but online I go by SONGS. I used to go by Boxy because I was chubby and boxy looking, but now I’m fit and making six figures I go by SONGS ROFL. (Jokes on all the guys in high school that used to make fun of me for being fat) Message or DM me if you want to know why I changed my name to SONGS. It has something to do with my ex who lives in the UK (She also makes six figures like me but through onlyfans ROFL)


Aveator is the type of guy to steal your stuff, then when you're looking for your stuff you lost, he helps you look for them


Where is cap pasta

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