Company of Heroes


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A copypasta is a block of text that is copied and pasted across the Internet by individuals through online forums and social networking websites. Copypastas are said to be similar to spam as they are often used to annoy other users and disrupt online discourse.


@S3xyl3xy My love affair with zander: Zander can often be the most infuriating species to target but when things go right they can also be one of the most rewarding. The species has been the subject of my on/off six-year love affair which started when I first tried zander fishing, and banked my first zed, back in July 2000. It took many more sessions before I banked another zander and I never came close to the 6lb 4oz PB I had set myself with that first fish SabaPing




What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.


Simply type of guy that takes 10-15 minute smoke breaks every hour and makes the rest of the workers have to work harder cuz he's away so they have to make up for him taking 12 cigarette breaks everyday and make up the lost work


@Stickiestmeal belize no copy pasta


uncerbridge whore 10bag, if i stole money, be sure i would give it to you for 1 normal mean 10bag will run from UK when i arrive their omg, thos udnerbridge whore addpoted dog, is so annoying, blocked, and still can hear him. when putin said after ukraine next is Uk, im sure u were running to USA in that second i dont care on ur sad life


omfg stfu all


@Frenkie9 bleaze no doxic


DumaisTV is the type of guy that when black customers show up at the restaurant where he works as a server, he hides in the back of the restaurant to avoid having to serve them and tells another server to serve them, and claims he can’t serve them because he can’t understand their accent, but he clearly can because according to his profile, he’s French Canadian but he’s actually more English


@Frenkie9 Trying to understand the cause of distress and coming up with practical solutions will be more helpful than masking the problem by crying.


worst service I ever had was in a UK bar




Blink rapidly if you’ve already started crying to help clear away tears so they don’t roll down your face. @Frenkie9


@simply_coh rtaPokan


oh yeah good job ex com


i dont care on ur sad life. u just say something, u dont do it and then u blame me in moneystealing . that sucks imagine, watching stream to get some moment to reprot streamer, imagine how cringe u should be ye bro, what ever, u never donated but i stole money, logic kills me imagine getting madd when i get donation. u are really sad bro


@Frenkie9 what is your problem?


that sucks imagine, watching stream to get some moment to reprot streamer, imagine how cringe u should be ye bro, what ever, u never donated but i stole money, logic kills me imagine getting madd when i get donation. u are really sad bro


ok, im out. evertyone times me out. u have crigne mods xCOm. sad. see u in winter, when u cry about gaz.


@Frenkie9 don't be such a beta


I love how these people that distrust the media and listen to some cuck are actually the ones being fooled while they think they are being the woke hating on the sheep I listen to people that are actually there and know what they are talking about, not the virtue signalling media that you like Statement remember when the media was trying to say Trump was going senile years ago, but they're not concerned at all that Biden can barely string a sentence together


wait no I mean


I think coh 3 should add a Transgender Queen SexyLexy. Every time she goes to the front line, she snitches on all the enemy positions and reports all of them and gives vision in the fog of war. Thoughts?


This little slice of internet we have sure is something, right brothers? (and lexy)


In Tajikistan, a unibrow is viewed as an attractive quality in both men and women. For women, it is associated with virginity and purity and, in men, virility. If there is no unibrow present, or if it is weak, it is commonplace for women to use a kohl liner or a modern kajal pen to simulate a unibrow.


@1aveator A hat is a simple way to cover up bald spots. Just make sure it isn’t too tight. A very tight hat could decrease blood flow to the hair follicles, which could cause them to fall out. Instead, put on a comfortable hat, such as a fedora or a baseball cap for a quick and easy solution.


Aveator is the type of guy to steal your stuff, then when you're looking for your stuff you lost, he helps you look for them


☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) ☞ 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓱 𝓰𝓪𝔂 𝓼𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷


degrees degrees no talking please

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