Company of Heroes


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In fact, the Netherlands has an incredibly sophisticated system to keep the country afloat, but the country sinks at a rate of roughly 7mm a year and global warming is causing sea levels to rise. Even so, this may be beneficial to half fish and half human hybrids like Statement SabaPing


all about statement's life is coh or coh stream or coh tool kiddy thing. where is your life?


Looks like boosting. I actually have very low zoom but mostly field of view edited. There is zoom and fov I need max zoom always SabaPing I have confirmation from relic community manager, its not a joke SabaPing. i dont even really zoom out u know that, I changed field of view its another command SabaPing this zooming thing has gone out of control, if i never did it on stream everyone would be able to zoom in peace SabaPing


I am just used to it. It is not Zoom Hack, it is Zoom option. it is just bullshit from relic to have this super zoomed in option as default. you dont see it in any other rts like age of empires or someting like this. I mean I don't even Zoom out like statement ( SabaPing ) . Like I just zoom out 50..not much. what you guys think about a rule for zooming that is max. 50. This is just a bit more than the standard.


DumaisTV is the type of guy that when black customers show up at the restaurant where he works as a server, he hides in the back of the restaurant to avoid having to serve them and tells another server to serve them, and claims he can’t serve them because he can’t understand their accent, but he clearly can because according to his profile, he’s French Canadian but he’s actually more English


the word on the street is that dexn used to have two eye brows but after Russia invaded his butthole he only has one unibrow left now MVGame


roman bro don't be doxic


why doxic


A copypasta is a block of text that is copied and pasted across the Internet by individuals through online forums and social networking websites. Copypastas are said to be similar to spam as they are often used to annoy other users and disrupt online discourse.


DumaisTV type of guy who goes on ancestry website to try to get a sense of identity, but when the result comes back that hes one percent African, and not fifty percent German and fifty percent French like he believed, he calls customer service and demands an apology from the CEO of the ancestry service for mixing up the test results and making him question his identity and beliefs


ok, im out. evertyone times me out. u have crigne mods xCOm. sad. see u in winter, when u cry about gaz.


Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Superclass Osteichthyes Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Infraclass Teleostei Superorder Acanthopterygii Order Perciformes Suborder Percoidei Family Percidae Genus Sander Species Sander lucioperca SabaPing


imagine lexy in his skirt holding up the round sign while some alpha women kick the shit out of each other Kappa


that was shoc mini pAuse




Never question your alpha male identity


@10bag blame simply for this copy pasta


I had forgotten how much joy one can feel whilst watching another do something with passion, principles, proffesionalism and pride. Such a man of great knowledge is a treasure. I have applied many of the techniques out in what we call, \"The Bush\" riverside camping for eels trout and fresh water. 10-15 pound eels and 5 pound trout, oh and zander fish too, they get big SabaPing


bro don't make transphobic pasta, that's reportable


demo your dick and call yourself sexy lexi


Roman it’s bad enough you started this whole trend don’t make it transphobic as well


Have you ever wondered how some people can easily eat what they want? They have no bowel issues! While some people can drain out everything they eat, some of us have difficulties, a lot of difficulties.


Why would I want to donate money to a bunch of ignorant bigots like Reborn? I'm new to the game, and enjoyed the 4ES posts and strat discussions, but now that your true colors come through I'm sure you'd be the LAST clan I consider donating money to.


losing to a brit that chains his lt can't get worse than this boys


x com bro what is your favourite drink?


Gaesoju, also known as dog wine, is a mixed drink containing dog meat and other Chinese medicine ingredients such as ginger, chestnut, and jujube to act primarily as a powerful sex drive booster for men, though it is also used to get rid of colds. It is produced by putting a slaughtered dog into a chicken plucker to remove the fur before being placed into a pressure cooker between 6–19 hours with herbs until it is a dark liquid and bottled as a drink.




what do you think about fast t2 on this map


bro why skip dog wine news


x com bro

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