Company of Heroes


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user name message \/


DumaisTV type of guy to buy a Disney subscription just so he can complain in the Disney members forum/comment section, then try to cancel his subscription, when the customer support lady says seeing too many black people in star wars is not a valid reason for canceling membership, then he rage quits the call and binge watches ww2 documentaries on Disney for one month and claims he has no time to play COH until August


that voice is so troll LUL


he went t1, he probably has a scout car on the fuel


DumaisTV is the type of guy when he plays games where you get to build your own character like in SIMS or some other game where you get to design your own character, he will max out the whiteness skin color to the maximum on the characters, then add blonde hair and blue eyes, then using his graphic design experience will draw a swastika face tattoo if its a male character or will draw a “Meine Ehre heißt Treue” tramp stamp tattoo if its a female character to create his virtual dream girl


oh nvm


DumaisTV is a Ten out of Ten on the sus scale 1. His favorite ASMR artist is Dr. Demetri whos a man 2. He pays a man eighty dollars to cut his hair with twenty dollar tip 3. He always talks about hanging out with the boys. This is a ten out of ten on the sus scale.


be careful when using pasta men as it can be misconstrued as spam and some can find it annoying


whodahexdatguy type of guy to give his black friends bad financial investment advice to keep the wealth away from the minorities, and gives his white friends good advice to keep the wealth among the white community.


wow this company of heroes community is something else! i'd expect this level of toxicity in x q c or trainwrecks stream but not here. nothing but griefers, ram ranch beggars, redeem spammers, and pasta men. you should be ashamed of yourself


stop mixing the steak blood with the dead fetusisters parts in your mouth with oral sex and bringing forth Zoonotic diseases such as Covid 19 you necrobeastialitist cannibal


all hail phu huynh


Thats a math joke on probability for you kids


something something fg42




The homeless person ask for fifty cents meanwhile the government owes twentyfourtrillion dollars. One is a person asking for help not even past the decimal point whilst the other is a group with galloping spending many commas and zeros beyond aforementioned number. Yet the government mandates the killing of the innocent so that some can have the religious right to hail Satan. This government is corrupt by the evil one.


suka suka suka suka suka


all hail phu hunyh


wow, i log on to twitch tv to chat with people and to watch a good streamer, then you guys fking spam this chat with your dumb SabaPing and dumb sht copy pastas that are not even close to funny. i dont even giggle from your shtty jokes. fk you and if you fking copy this message im reporting each one of you. you all think your fking funny


be careful when using pasta men as it can be misconstrued as spam and some can find it annoying


ye i made spaghetti for my gf last week and she said \"the fuck is this spam?\"


I am equal to my Embryothers and my Phitusisters! I am the son of God equal to a Zygote!


well said


have you confirmed with testing that the LT delay and packup trick is worth it?




what university did you study at




hello fellow canadian


with 3 pe troups u could be lucky? but cool idea


LT probably almost vet1


@nosliwreborn depends on the distance the truck goes. Maps like this is worth, ango is not

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