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no you can't


I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda a catch. I live in a car park in southern california, I have unlimited mothers pizza meals if youre really hungry. if thats not youre cup of tea, theres my buddy pinky who can fist with the best of them. so if youre ready to crusade for the microscopic babies, im the embryother for you


@XcomReborn did you see that video of koda drinking a whole bottle of Fireball alcohol?




MESSI : cn : US : 1v1 Rank 176 : lvl 9 :


bro hes been homeless and bat shit crazy for like 14 years and hes still thriving


he got a job killing insects




@XcomReborn people don't want to let go of their old money


wait are you saying thoughts and prayers aren’t enough cmonBruh


stop this necrobestiality, wake up! christ is your shield. god bless all grand adults


xcom bro since you are PHD in biology, humans are made to nut inside women on special occasions to reproduce, so if you are nutting 3 times a day 9 hours a day to BBC porn, what does that do to your motivation system?


MESSI : cn : US : 1v1 Rank 176 : lvl 9 :


xcom bro how to fix motivation system after long term exposure to hardcore BBC porn?


Firstly, excessive internet use can lead to addiction or compulsive behavior, which can impair the brain's reward circuitry. The reward circuitry is responsible for regulating feelings of pleasure, motivation, and reward. When you engage in an enjoyable activity, such as browsing social media, your brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. However, excessive internet use can desensitize the reward circuitry, leading to a reduced ability to experience




Secondly, spending long hours on the internet can lead to decreased productivity and increased fatigue, which can also impact motivation. Excessive internet use can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which can reduce energy levels and motivation to engage in physical activities. This, in turn, can impact mood and overall motivation.


he is chinese


A new German study shows a lowered connectivity in the brain relating to reward and motivation among men who consumed the most pornography per week. Professor Dr. John Boner Jones (PhD. in Human Sexuality and Sex Addiction) discovered this is why XcomReborn lacks the motivation to exercise and lives a sedentary lifestyle.


Porn scenes, like addictive substances, are hyper-stimulating triggers that lead to unnaturally high levels of dopamine secretion. This can damage the dopamine reward system and leave it unresponsive to natural sources of pleasure. This is why users begin to experience difficulty in achieving arousal with a physical partner without Jamal present.


Abstaining from porn or masturbation doesn’t help. I can’t last more than 6 hours without porn and need to watch it on my second monitor at least 9 hours a day. I still can’t help but feel inferior and threatened by Jamal because of it. It brings out a dark side in me ( no pun intended ) and plants so much doubt and insecurity in me. I don’t know how to control it. I don’t know at all. - XcomReborn 2023


After studying 3,305 people ages 16 to 44, researchers found that the brain’s response time begins to decline at age 24. The descent is a slow, but nonetheless, steady one. The study also found that older participants compensated for their shortage of speed with strategy and efficiency.


Capture it or die trying!


DumaisTV type of guy to buy a Disney subscription just so he can complain in the Disney members forum/comment section, then try to cancel his subscription, when the customer support lady says seeing too many black people in star wars is not a valid reason for canceling membership, then he rage quits the call and binge watches ww2 documentaries on Disney for one month and claims he has no time to play COH until August


DumaisTV is the type of business owner that would hire a bunch of black workers and relocate them to an isolated location to keep them away from his white neighborhood


DumaisTV is the type of student, when his kindergarten teacher shows him and his class a presentation about black history month, he starts crying. The teacher tries to comfort him and thinks he’s sad because she’s explaining all the horrible things that happened to black people. But when she asks him why he’s crying, he says he’s sad because white people don’t have white history month.


how do i download map hacks?


ty bro


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