Company of Heroes


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user name message \/


What is your opinion of the Danube Empire


floats com.. maybe another m8 or a t gun


if you had all the wood in the universe, and all the weather conditions for an infinite amount of time, given that there would still be no log cabin because it takes intelligent design, in the same manner it takes intelligent design to create a human which is exponentially more intricate than a log cabin, and that is not even as complex as the soul itself! but when God petitions adults for redress of grievances, the vast majority rebuttal with, \"why what's in it for me?\"


AI arrive now the adults are sending sperm unto the fetus and dismembering her followed by oral sex, please stop necropedophilia and cannibalism in the human realm ASAP Godspeed!


@10bag that was a big lodjze earlier


@whodahexdatguy the integrated circuit is moving to the picometer, soon it will reach its limits for the electron is 2.4 picometer itself on the quantum level, on that day no more hunger no more thirst no more pain all these things take hours, mins, and microseconds to come by. on that day God will have our undivided attention when the pico machine carry to our cells directly dietary essentials and supplements


The enslaved Microscopicbabies, formed and left without aid and comfort, are full proof of a division between ourselves and our posterity, thus, what did not meet the eyes and minds of the court's decision, is now, eternal truth that meets the mind's eye, the Human heart, and the eternal spirit of all people, and is from this revelation, with us for all time to come.


Your beauty is like predicting the future, Nostradamus wrote quatrain prophecies to do just that, likewise I have written these four verses in advance, knowing perfectly well the time will come, wherein your photogenic flash, coupled with cousin of rum, affords the means to properly place them exactly where they belong, for all time to come 😀.


they are taking plan b and alike and discarding their progeny microscopicbabies into the shared bowls that are toilets and ensnaring others to urinate and defecate therein thereafter


i have been trying to reach to people in person and online platforms such as fb yt twitch etc. yet the day remains unseen in which they repent from this iniquity. Legendary Kodachrome has saved your souls! <3


Where is George W. bush Jr. when you need him?


all of dumais S S base buildings are finely crafted with care, inspired by the pleasing aesthetics of auschwitz


You are the one I love, the one who has single handedly inspired me to live, the one who through search of archives, I have found to inspire me to give, the one who reminds me that divine providence hovers in and around us, as well as above.


10bag bro do you have entire 12 volume encyclopedia of koda pasta LUL


You have the voice of an angle


Your beauty is like men at work 💪if you walked by the construction site of my life, you would definitely hear a hubba, hubba, hubba, and if you were to slap me for it, I wouldn't shave ever again, and go Shikh to preserve your scent upon my chinny, chin, chin.


i bet u need a man


i got only about 3000 words of koda


They are sending sperm into mouth after putting dead Animal parts therein thereafter, therefore they are in effect engaging in Necrobeastiality!


i saw you have my fresh one about the log cabin. he dropped that one on monday


i just counted all of the spaces






ok, im out. evertyone times me out. u have crigne mods xCOm. sad. see u in winter, when u cry about gaz.




Hi my name is Statement, I’m a Zander Fish from the Netherlands and I live in a fishbowl SabaPing . I started my COH career 7 years ago as a bren carrier but now I’m a full-blown kangaroo carrier. Now I’m a bigger Zander fish, I can no longer fit in the bren carrier fish bowl and have to move to a kangaroo carrier fish bowl because I’m a big zander fish now SabaPing


drama queen


My love affair with zander: Zander can often be the most infuriating species to target but when things go right they can also be one of the most rewarding. The species has been the subject of my on/off six-year love affair which started when I first tried zander fishing, and banked my first zed, back in July 2000. It took many more sessions before I banked another zander and I never came close to the 6lb 4oz PB I had set myself with that first fish SabaPing


someone happening upon this stream might assume the coh community is weird


ok, im out. evertyone times me out. u have crigne mods xCOm. sad. see u in winter, when u cry about gaz.

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