Company of Heroes


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Do I look like education to you?


GloboDisco … but it’s not like this stuff is being done to you on purpose, really, no really


GloboDisco, go fuck yourself


GloboDisco can suck my fat cock, deep into his throat fucking cunt


It is important to remember that crying could be a sign of a deeper problem, and if anyone suspects this is the case, they should visit their doctor.


Trying to understand the cause of distress and coming up with practical solutions will be more helpful than masking the problem by crying.


I understand you harsh, fuck statey and his intolerance


There is no such thing as a new idea. It is impossible. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope. Yes everything has been said and done. We give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations. We keep on turning and making new combinations indefinitely; but they are the same old pieces of colored glass that have been in use through all the ages.


@XcomReborn Blink rapidly if you’ve already started crying to help clear away tears so they don’t roll down your face.


Xcom is the type of guy who by the end of his lifetime has seen more naked women than Ghengis Khan while at the same time maintaining the same number of body counts and romantic relationships as Issac Newton, while Dr. Luckbar is more the type of guy who sees 3,000 white German penises in person, but has never seen a single BBC out of the 3,000 cocks


x com bro i bought another chainsaw i think i almost have enough now


Our Father, who could be an artist in heaven, hallowed be the PhD in thy name; thy kingdom come; thy microwave meal will be done; on the microwave, as it is not in the oven. Give us this day our daily grease free bread. And forgive us our grefers, as we forgive those who gref against us. And lead us not into the temptation of BBC porn; but deliver us from the fear of Jamal. Amen. - The Lord’s Prayer by XcomReborn 2022


All those tears are going to ruin that microwave hamburger supper


Whats MADDENING is how bad i am. it just simply doesnt make sense.. it'd be okay if i had just gotten old, but a shitload of people from then are still good now, i feel like i must have had a brain injury but then that's SO unfair and so extreme it makes me want to do a rage shooting


i dont care on ur sad life. u just say something, u dont do it and then u blame me in moneystealing . that sucks imagine, watching stream to get some moment to reprot streamer, imagine how cringe u should be ye bro, what ever, u never donated but i stole money, logic kills me imagine getting madd when i get donation. u are really sad bro




GloboDisco … does the dog know that it has fleas? if so, can the dog name those fleas?


X coms chat sure brings them out, I don’t want to know what they says about me


GloboDisco, Still same lies? Comeon man, stop saying lies about mom, thats nit nice. U were saying 1 year ago that your mom died, now u say 1 month. Wtf is this?


dexn pasta one of the few pastas i enjoy still if its warmed up


i got banned in dumais stream for reminding everybody about that fake tournament dexen hosted when he took everybody's money and cancelled the tournament


stop cry aobut rng, u play brits :D im play since 2006, xcom calm down plz. i know everything and just for info. u guys found out pak abuse, capwalk 2 years ago. im was using them 7 years ago :D so dont tell me that i dont know something about CoH i was doing them on 1.0 version, when im was playing on gameranger ))


so i ask you again, now and forever. listen. we are trying to reach level 20 for the community. If you leave and destroy streak I will never stream again. and I am known in the community


dumais stream is trying to image change away from the drunk racist rants to professional coh3 gameplay


yes, i asked dumais if he exclusively drinks white rum and he just looked angrily at chat but ignored the question


really not happy with any white references any more


There is just something so beautiful about a blonde hair blue eyed woman playing in the snow, an asian girl playing in the bamboo forest or rice field is just not the same. All Asian women look the same you know? - DumaisTV 2023


Dumais is trying to become verified flex so he has to ban such people


i dont care what u think about me, just try to see the fkin rng difference. thats percet example


Its not easy becoming verified in twitch environment

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