Company of Heroes


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user name message \/


your rifle got veterancy from that kill


Beef Supreme71 : us : WM : 1v1 Rank 577 : lvl 2 :


can u do like a mortar creep into this guys base since hes terrible


Our Father, who could be an artist in heaven, hallowed be the PhD in thy name; thy kingdom come; thy microwave meal will be done; on the microwave, as it is not in the oven. Give us this day our daily grease free bread. And forgive us our grefers, as we forgive those who gref against us. And lead us not into the temptation of BBC porn; but deliver us from the fear of Jamal. Amen. - The Lord’s Prayer by XcomReborn 2022


My best advice for XcomReborn is to cut back and reduce porn consumption from 9 hours a day, 7 days a week and maybe cut back and have 1 day of the week where he doesn’t watch BBC porn for 9 hours in order to heal his dopamine reward system at least once a week so he will have motivation to meet women in real life and get a job, cook real whole foods, and do some exercise or physical activity.


Looking for love in all the wrong places? Well look no more! 10 bag's the name, and compression test equipment is my game. My life revolves around smoking pot and chainsaws, but don't let that fool you - I'm a real catch ( SabaPing ) In my spare time I like to help my mate x com kick his BBC porn addiction,cook pasta,and get my buds banned from twitch. If you love riflespam and pakistani hip hop fusion we could have some fabulous times together!


Xcom is the type of guy when he has a kid, he will just feed them microwaved chicken nuggets 3 times a day until they get sick, because they are fast to and easy to make so he can have more time to play videogames and watch porn.




Our Father, who could be an artist in heaven, hallowed be the PhD in thy name; thy kingdom come; thy microwave meal will be done; on the microwave, as it is not in the oven. Give us this day our grease free bread. And forgive us our grefers, as we forgive those who gref against us. And lead us not into the temptation of BBC porn; but deliver us from the fear of Jamal. Amen. - The Lord’s Prayer by XcomReborn 2022




lol this morrt gunna be good


XcomReborn is the type of guy that has a PhD., so he’s smart enough to know that if he goes to a store in the daytime, there is a high chance of a British Zoomer Like Zulu recording him on tik tok, catching him being racist and going viral on tik tok with the video title “middle aged man caught being racist in 4k”, (very high chance) but at the same time he’s too afraid to go out at night because of jamal, causing a dilemma which causes him to stay indoors most of the time.


Hi my name is tcSONGS but you can call me the Quinton Tarantino of combat footage. What do I mean? Ten Words… Jamal’s drone missile on some Vietanmese Ho Chi Minh trails (rofl I used to make drones for the US government, made around 80k a year which is not much for me because I make six figures now, I also saved the the company i worked for up to 10 million dollars)




I have a theory that dumaisTV likes white on white porn because it’s very realistic for him (been with 28 white women streak) while for Xcom the idea of him being with a woman is very unrealistic (never been with a woman) so it’s much more hot to fantizie about Jamal doing the work for him.


DumaisTV is the type of guy when a black man is jogging in his neighborhood will be the first to get in his car and follow him in his car, (left hand driving the car) / (Right hand calling the royal mounted police) following the man from his car from a relatively close distance, while xcom is more the type of guy who is too afraid to follow Jamal but instead call the police from his balcony from a very far distance.


Beef Supreme71 : us : WM : 1v1 Rank 577 : lvl 2 :


3rrd mortar would be good


xcom bro why calling police?


youve obviously been in the kitchen men


@whodahexdatguy A white man like DumaisTV saying he only wants to be with white women because he only likes light skin and light eyes is different from a Black woman who prefers men of color because she wants to avoid fetish-seeking matches and racist messages (slavery (master/slave) roleplay) thoughts?


he lives in a white world with a white corvette and a white family in a white house?




(left hand driving the car) / (Right hand calling the royal mounted police) is top pasta


anything with royal mounted police in it is peak pasta


DumaisTV is the type of guy that goes to an Asian massage place, request a Swedish massage then when they cannot fulfil his request he says all Asian women look then same and rage quits out of massage place


yeah pro strat


Yo, listen up here’s a story About a 180-centimeter white guy in Canada That lives in a white world And all day and all night And everything he sees is just white Like him inside and outside White, his house With a white little family And a white sister And everything is white for him And himself and everybody around Cause he ain’t got nobody to listen to


can you play dumais remix?



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