Company of Heroes


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holy shit xcom is just having his best life and singing while pe is having a hardattack because he wanted to play brits


for example if you had all the wood in the universe, and all the weather conditions for an infinite amount of time, given that there would still be no log cabin because it takes intelligent design, in the same manner it takes intelligent design to create a human which is exponentially more intricate than a log cabin, and that is not even as complex as the soul itself! but when God petitions adults for redress of grievances, the vast majority rebuttal with, \"why whats in it for me?\"


how about cap 3rd vp and end this game


for example if you had all the wood in the universe, and all the weather conditions for an infinite amount of time, given that there would still be no log cabin because it takes intelligent design, in the same manner it takes intelligent design to create a human which is exponentially more intricate than a log cabin, and that is not even as complex as the soul itself! but when God petitions adults for redress of grievances, the vast majority rebuttal with, \"why whats in it for me?\"


Our Father, who could be an artist in heaven, hallowed be the PhD in thy name; thy kingdom come; thy microwave meal will be done; on the microwave, as it is not in the oven. Give us this day our daily grease free bread. And forgive us our grefers, as we forgive those who gref against us. And lead us not into the temptation of BBC porn; but deliver us from the fear of Jamal. Amen. - The Lord’s Prayer by XcomReborn 2022




Our Father, who could be an artist in heaven, hallowed be the PhD in thy name; thy kingdom come; thy microwave meal will be done; on the microwave, as it is not in the oven. Give us this day our daily grease free bread. And forgive us our grefers, as we forgive those who gref against us. And lead us not into the temptation of BBC porn; but deliver us from the fear of Jamal. Amen. - The Lord’s Prayer by XcomReborn 2022




Our Father, who could be an artist in heaven, hallowed be the PhD in thy name; thy kingdom come; thy microwave meal will be done; on the microwave, as it is not in the oven. Give us this day our daily grease free bread. And forgive us our grefers, as we forgive those who gref against us. And lead us not into the temptation of BBC porn; but deliver us from the fear of Jamal. Amen. - The Lord’s Prayer by XcomReborn 2022


A hat is a simple way to cover up bald spots. Just make sure it isn’t too tight. A very tight hat could decrease blood flow to the hair follicles, which could cause them to fall out. Instead, put on a comfortable hat, such as a fedora or a baseball cap for a quick and easy solution.


ok, im out. evertyone blowns me by millions ironromans. u have crigne mods xCOm. sad. see u in winter, when u cry about belligerent microwaves


Everything's starting to sag. Incontinence and impotence are just around the cornor. Nobody listens to you. You hate your job, you haven't had sex in years and it finally dawns on you that you're never going to be rich and famous. It's bleak, but don't let your mid-life crisis drag you down. Don't ruin yourself by quitting your job at university to start a twitch channel and play video games all day. And, whatever you do, don't get a nose stud. You will look like a prick.


Looks like boosting. I actually have very low zoom but mostly field of view edited. There is zoom and fov I need max zoom always SabaPing I have confirmation from relic community manager, its not a joke SabaPing. i dont even really zoom out u know that, I changed field of view its another command SabaPing this zooming thing has gone out of control, if i never did it on stream everyone would be able to zoom in peace SabaPing


@whodahexdatguy goddamn what a pasta




where can I find coh1 unit stats


Good job @whodahexdatguy


ill be here til tuesday



is that an ip logger ?


Thanks man


Βηc|Diamondback : us : US : 1v1 Rank 44 : lvl 13 :


shut up silly boy


im surprised fishboy hasnt come in here and changed this guys name to autistic




once you defeat all the bnc (big noob club) lackeys, then you must face the legendary zulu cobra


is this streamer a lolcow ?


what you are


this company of heroes community is something else! id expect this type of toxicity from x q c or trainwrecks stream but not here. nothing but griefers, ram ranch beggers, SabaPing spammers, and pasta men. you should be ashamed of yourselves


British gamer & microwave meal master seeking first love experience. At 42 years young, I've lived a fulfilling life but am ready to experience the love and touch of a woman. When I'm not busy cooking up a storm with my trusty microwave, you can find me immersed in the world of video games. I'm looking for a kind, understanding, and open-minded partner who can join me on this new adventure. Let's play, cook and explore life together.

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