Company of Heroes


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Simply is the type of guy during break in California hot sun, tries to drink water and smoke cigarette and the same time and ends up spilling 1 liter out of the 2 liter bottle and lose half his water trying to juggle cigarette and drinking water at same time


@LordShish no


Some symptoms of a Type A racist, sometimes refered to as a “Loud and Proud” racist or a Social Racist can include 1. an obesession with renacting WW2 situations both virtually or in real life 2. Only wanting to excusvily date white women 3. Collecting old paintings of old dead white people to “remind you of the good old days” 4. Only hanging out with white friends. If you have at least two of these four symptoms, you are most likley a type A racist or a “Loud and Proud” (social) racist.


Some symtomps of a Type B racist, soemtimes refered to as a “Silent but deadly” racist or an anti social racist can include 1. A fear of going to stores when black people are present 2. A fear of seeing large groups of black children because you hate children 3. An irrational fear that a black man will jump out of the bushes and attack you. 4. A fear of making black friends. If you have at least two of these four symptoms, you are most likely a type B racist or a “Silent but deadly” racist.


Some symptoms of a Type C racist, sometimes referred to as a “Counter Denial” racist or an identity Crisis racist can include 1. Not admitting to what your actual race is 2. Not being proud of your own race 3. Thinking you’re another race that you’re not. 4. Trying to fit in with a racial group you’re not to feel acceptance because you feel that racial group is superior. If you have at least two of these four symptoms, you are most likely a type C racist or a “Counter Denial” racist.


oh i see, thank you


LUL remember when dumbass legit had napoleon painting on his wall


i dont know how we all havent been perma'd Kappa


and he used to be called napaloen and cosplay him i think


bro twitch did perma ban me but then i told them they're wrong so they unbanned


all of dumais S S base buildings are finely crafted with care, inspired by the pleasing aesthetics of auschwitz


he has to go with that silent but deadly now since he got that ✅️


@10bag as they should


at xcom reborn what is your opinion on this game


what if dumaiSStv becomes the next ninja because of coh3


Dr. Boner Jones stated; \"Long-term micro-wave meals care can put a tremendous strain on finances, especially for the elderly who spend their glory years shitting themselves, snorting CoHcaine and absent-mindedly walking into online scams and trafic. I cannot recommend Xcom-Micro-Meals highly enough. You won't find quality microwave meals on the internet for lower prices. And i'm a doctor, so you can trust me.\"


doctor john boner jones the type of guy who tells all embryothers to participate in no nut november, then on november 30 decides to jerk off 17 times in one day and once in bathroom stall for at work for good measure, ruining his no nut november


supply yard 3?


DumaisTV is a Ten out of Ten on the sus scale 1. His favorite ASMR artist is Dr. Demetri whos a man 2. He pays a man eighty dollars to cut his hair with twenty dollar tip 3. He always talks about hanging out with the boys. This is a ten out of ten on the sus scale.


it would cost like 360 fuel WutFace


ah a classic 10bag


it's up there


the disney subscription is up there as well


I have a theory why Napoleon has one hundred viewers, People are so horny cuz they didn't get horny gay release from napoleon for one month, one month of gay semen trapped inside balls


( ☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) ☞ 𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓱 𝓰𝓪𝔂 𝓼𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷


the gay semen pasta fell off a bit cos dumbass isn't as open to being made fun of these days


It is a fact that most COH players are white boys (with the exception of Revo who’s actually a Psyop plant to make the community look more ethnically diverse), and my theory is that whenever DumaisTV streams, it brings the white pride in all the white boys in the COH community and all 100 white boys gather together in solidarity and this is the one place they can feel proud to be white with an incredible poster boy like DumaisTV.


@XcomReborn Bro if you look closely the PE halftrack looks like a fish bowl and when you don't clean it or repair it the fish inside dies


Simply is the type of guy that when he’s fishing and catches a skinny Zander fish, instead of catching and releasing right away, he would yell and rage at the fish for being skinny and uncookable, giving the Zander fish major PTSD and scaring all the Vietnamese girls on the boat


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