Company of Heroes


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user name message \/


OG statement pasta


two puma deaths and we're back in it


Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Superclass Osteichthyes Class Actinopterygii Subclass Neopterygii Infraclass Teleostei Superorder Acanthopterygii Order Perciformes Suborder Percoidei Family Percidae Genus Sander Species Sander lucioperca SabaPing


Dr. Boner Jones stated; \"Long-term micro-wave meals care can put a tremendous strain on finances, especially for the elderly who spend their glory years shitting themselves, snorting CoHcaine and absent-mindedly walking into online scams and trafic. I cannot recommend Xcom-Micro-Meals highly enough. You won't find quality microwave meals on the internet for lower prices. And i'm a doctor, so you can trust me.\"


Our Father, for this day, for our friends, for thy zander ( SabaPing ), for this lodzje, we thank Thee. Amen.


Our Father, who could be an artist in heaven, hallowed be the PhD in thy name; thy kingdom come; thy microwave meal will be done; on the microwave, as it is not in the oven. Give us this day our daily grease free bread. And forgive us our grefers, as we forgive those who gref against us. And lead us not into the temptation of BBC porn; but deliver us from the fear of Jamal. Amen. - The Lord’s Prayer by XcomReborn 2022


bro we updated the lord's prayer


first time in history religion has updated things in light of new evidence


Our Father, who could be an artist in heaven, hallowed be the PhD in thy name; thy kingdom come; thy microwave meal will be done; on the microwave, as it is not in the oven. Give us this day our grease free bread. And forgive us our grefers, as we forgive those who gref against us. And lead us not into the temptation of BBC porn; but deliver us from the fear of Jamal. Amen. - The Lord’s Prayer by XcomReborn 2022


SabaPing statement's face. SabaPing statement's face SabaPing statement's face SabaPing . statement's face


ok, im out. evertyone times me out. u have crigne mods xCOm. sad. see u in winter, when u cry about gaz.


men only need 2 things to survive, food and sex. and xcom found synthetic forms of both.


I have a theory why Napoleon has one hundred viewers, People are so horny cuz they didn't get horny gay release from napoleon for one month, one month of gay semen trapped inside balls


Africa Krops is my favorite faction, just wish they didn't use the the word \"Africa\" maybe call it Elite Krops or Korps Elite - DumaisTV 2023


XcomReborn is the type of guy that would watch BBC videos for hours every day but never comment in the comment section because he’s afraid the government will track him down, while dumaisTV is the type of guy that would never watch BBC videos, but will instantly pause when the video starts and will post extremely racist comments in the comment section below the BBC video.


the question is, which type of BBC video?


Looks like boosting. I actually have very low zoom but mostly field of view edited. There is zoom and fov I need max zoom always SabaPing I have confirmation from relic community manager, its not a joke SabaPing. i dont even really zoom out u know that, I changed field of view its another command SabaPing this zooming thing has gone out of control, if i never did it on stream everyone would be able to zoom in peace SabaPing


British gamer & microwave meal master seeking first love experience. At 52 years old , I've lived an unfulfilling life but am ready to experience the love and touch of a gay man. When I'm not busy cooking up a storm with my trusty microwave, you can find me immersed in the world of furry dating games. I'm looking for a kind, understanding, and lgbtq open-minded partner who can join me on this new adventure. Let's play, cook and explore life together.


British gamer & microwave meal master seeking first love experience. At 52 years old , I've lived an unfulfilling life but am ready to experience the love and touch of a gay man. When I'm not busy cooking up a storm with my trusty microwave, you can find me immersed in the world of furry dating games. I'm looking for a kind, understanding, and lgbtq open-minded partner who can join me on this new adventure. Let's play, cook and explore life together.


happy pride month eggs com 🏳️‍🌈


So are you really gay xcom ?


we can meet cutie


XcomReborn is the type of guy that would watch BBC videos for hours every day but never comment in the comment section because he’s afraid the government will track him down, while dumaisTV is the type of guy that would never watch BBC videos, but will instantly pause when the video starts and will post extremely racist comments in the comment section below the BBC video.


If XcomReborn was a porn director and could make his own porn website, he would make a website called Black Bush Ambush where basically it’s about him taking pictures of a girl out in nature when all of a sudden Jamal jumps out of the bushes and attacks. Instead of protecting the girl, he’s so scared he drops his camera and runs to his flat. When he gets home, instead of calling the police, he realizes he can watch the action from the wireless camera he dropped


the muni this guy gonna have from those wrecks. manpower blitz for days


maybe bars so you can split up rifles and cap up map


British gamer & amal expansion master seeking first love experience. At 52 years old , I've lived an unfulfilling life and am ready to experience the love and touch of a gay man. When I'm not busy cooking up a storm with my trusty dildu, you can find me immersed in the world of furry dating games. I'm looking for a kind, understanding, and lgbtq open-minded partner who can join me on this new adventure. Let's play, cook and explore life together.


the day eggs com changes m10 to hellcat would be the day he will come out of the closet KappaPride


@Major_Tom44 he alredy came out of the closet just minutes ago


Pride is a sin let alone a month of it

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