Company of Heroes


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user name \/ message


XcomReborn is the type of guy, instead of dealing with the root of the problem (not being touched by a woman) he tries to mask the problem by playing videogames and watching porn, which is a good short term solution, but in the long term (Over 20 years of not being touched by a woman) can cause symptoms such as banning people trying to help him, calling LGBTQ people the F word, calling Asians small dick and hating every single human being on the planet.


My love for baseball is so intense that I wear a hat 24/7, and no, I'm not exaggerating! You can find me in a baseball cap at all times, even in the shower. I mean, who needs shampoo when you have a trusty baseball hat to protect your hair, right?


I doubt he hates his mother


he does bro he's resentful for not being able to have consented to being born in the first place


it's a legit argument for anti natalism to be fair


ah. I stand corrected.


Dont forget he said that latin music is over rated


aveator is the only man who has managed to create a triangulation in COH where the angles make less than 180 degrees


“what do I do against this? Guy had like 25 apm and built a trench on my cutoff. Next thing I now 12 or 14 stags are rolling into my base.” Roman just slaps him with a L2p. The year is 2010. You take a sip of your gamer fuel mountain dew and life is good.


who rates latin music? cmonBruh


zoom hack ✔ tryhard clown ✔ 5'6\" manlet ✔ 4 incher ✔ insect micro ✔


British gamer & amal expansion master seeking first love experience. At 52 years old , I've lived an unfulfilling life and am ready to experience the love and touch of a gay man. When I'm not busy cooking up a storm with my trusty dildu, you can find me immersed in the world of furry dating games. I'm looking for a kind, understanding, and lgbtq open-minded partner who can join me on this new adventure. Let's play, cook and explore life together.


we don't even know how to pronounce latin music bro that's ridiculous


zoom hack ✔ tryhard gay clown ✔ 5'0\" manlet ✔ 2 incher ✔ insect micro ✔


gay semen trapped inside of 48 years old balls✔


Imagine a bombing run on that traffic jam


Human beings have been playing some version of chess for more than 1400 years. It's one of the oldest and most widely played games in the world and has attained a cultural and intellectual significance that few other activities can match. While COH is only a game autistic kids have been playing for less than 17 years, less than the amount of time XcomReborn has not been touched by a woman


@ascensionofironroman i called out this stronger guy who were using zoom hack, capwalk and double AT fire and he banned me in his channel what a clown


you don't need to do all that bro just mention tianmen square and he will ban you




i would but he was korean so wasnt related


you been playing this crap for more than 20 years and you still suck


stronger is chinese bro


zoom hack ✔ tryhard clown ✔ 5'6\" manlet ✔ 4 incher ✔ insect micro ✔


but then i whispered him saying no life small dick


he used to literally maphack while streaming as well LUL


got revenge


was stronger the \"i don't speak english\" guy or was that a different chinese guy who cheated on stream?


he was speaking english but it was google translate


xcom projecting on game chat

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