Company of Heroes


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he's still a retard and still plays and still boosts his stats and abuses


egcom does the same


he was probably nice to you cos you were easier stats than queueing versus his laptop bro


@10bag well you cant get everything can you


zoom hack ✔ tryhard clown ✔ 5'6\" manlet ✔ 4 incher ✔ insect micro ✔


@10bag I guess kranksy can join the zoom nose Brothers since he zooms through 3 grams of drywall on a Friday night costing him roughly $2700 USD?


Everything's starting to sag. Incontinence and impotence are just around the cornor. Nobody listens to you. You hate your job, you haven't had sex in years and it finally dawns on you that you're never going to be rich and famous. It's bleak, but don't let your mid-life crisis drag you down. Don't ruin yourself by quitting your job at university to start a twitch channel and play video games all day. And, whatever you do, don't get a nose stud. You will look like a prick.


bro that's like $6700 AUD or something


I dont have the conversions on hand but yes, he's getting ripped off


I guess kranksy can join the zoom nose Brothers since he zooms through 3 grams of drywall on a Friday night costing him roughly $4,106 AUD?


Everything's starting to sag. Incontinence and impotence are just around the cornor. Nobody listens to you. You hate your job, you haven't had sex in years and it finally dawns on you that you're never going to be rich and famous. It's bleak, but don't let your mid-life crisis drag you down. Don't ruin yourself by quitting your job at university to start a twitch channel and play video games all day. And, whatever you do, don't get a nose stud. You will look like a prick.


@whodahexdatguy everyone can get ripped off with steroids and trens bro


SabaPing statements face SabaPing statements face SabaPing statements face. SabaPing statements face. SabaPing statements face. SabaPing statements face


bro go on the internet to buy your gocaine. unless you're in australia in which case you should see a drug counselor


Not like kranksy can bro


i wonder with the amount of roid he does, is his dick still functional


W roids


if you ever watch those australian cop shows, basically everybody they pull over is on meth LUL


Factor in the drywall and that's a hard no


kransky consumed so much drywall someone's gonna plaster him up and paint him a shade of periwinkle


Everything's starting to sag for you eggcom. Incontinence and impotence are just around the cornor. Nobody listens to you and your streams are trash. You hate your job and your life, you haven't had sex in years and it finally dawns on you that you're never going to be rich and famous. It's bleak, but you alredy let your mid-life crisis drag you down. you alredy ruined yourself by quitting your job and the university to start a twitch channel and play video games all day.


dude stop with the copypastas


@donaldotrumpo69 It's funny because there is a reference to the clickbait alike streamers on Twitch, considering the emoticons and the great britain codes aswell. This is in contrast to how you usually present yourself as a Twitch streamer, which creates a laughable situation where you both criticize the big Twitch community and put people off-guard who might fall from the bait, yet they will get to see a very opposite streamer compared to what the title represents


A shade of periwinkle LUL


dude stop with the copypastas✔




periwinkle is already a shade of a colour, i gotta think faster bro


, peace


soon enough someone's gonna try and put a wall plug and some shelves up on kransky though


Everything's starting to sag for you eggcom. Incontinence and impotence are just around the cornor. Nobody listens to you and your streams are trash. You hate your job and your life, you haven't had sex in years and it finally dawns on you that you're never going to be rich and famous. It's bleak, but you alredy let your mid-life crisis drag you down. you alredy ruined yourself by quitting your job and the university to start a twitch channel and play video games all day.

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