Company of Heroes


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user name message \/


LUL what is that even supposed to mean? its like he just threw a bunch of big words together in any order to seem smart


i think that was one where i asked him a question


or maybe using your framework as a starting point and admitting truth to be found within its scope I would say to the government of these untied states that furnishing the means for legalized abortifacient commerce wherein the microscopicbabies are left homeless given no aid and comfort equating to a sum of their bodies in its entirety to be littered upon these native Americans land will surely devolve the union not just between ourselves and our posterity.


heres the answer i got from him


@whodahexdatguy the integrated circuit is moving to the picometer, soon it will reach its limits for the electron is 2.4 picometer itself on the quantum level, on that day no more hunger no more thirst no more pain all these things take hours, mins, and microseconds to come by. on that day God will have our undivided attention when the pico machine carry to our cells directly dietary essentials and supplements


that's legit bro i looked it up


all i asked was why hes nuts


Why does he get angry at a child who says some babble and nonsense? Why oh, it hurts to insult a child at this age when he doesn’t know how to talk to others, sorry


777453 : dk : PE : 1v1 Rank 649 : lvl 1 :


Biggest_Master_Troll : gb : WM : 1v1 Rank 91 : lvl 12 :


I have no useful words to say. You think that you are the best and the smartest. This is the height of stupidity and foolishness That’s what you want me to tell you, I don’t need to get the thought of stupid fools like you


this game is a fun war with idiots like you. it will make me more eager to come i like to engage in talking with you because when i talk to you, i consider you like a penis that caresses its lover hahahahahaha, peace


I’m not here. I can hibernate. When I get a new computer, I promise you, there will be no dirty talk. I have reached great levels, and I am now working on preparing a powerful computer that works with the strongest possible power.


Yes, I need to play more beautifully. The problem is that the computer is causing me severe pain. I need a computer that is more powerful than that


why do you say about me Hackers, you are the real Hacker, you say about me Hackers Jeter, and you are the hacker factory


Thank you, Man. I will tell you something important. Circumstances did not help me to enslave people and to you. I am a talented and strong person, but circumstances did not help me to buy a new computer and camera and through live broadcasting and streaming.


what is this guy doing?


I am deciding whether he is trolling or genuine




Date 2 April – 14 June 1982 (2 months, 1 week and 5 days)


Location Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands


Result British victory: Fall of the military junta and transition to democracy in Argentina.


you'd think they'd be grateful?


Gonorrhea : cn : WM : 1v1 Rank 17 : lvl 15 :


This should be interesting


@goodtogo1 who is him?


guy is chinese and gonorrhea is like and colombian word haha


ask him why chet


tell him you don't necessarily want win, but you don't want to lodzje


This is a dirty item Why don't you fight God Why do you tell me your dirty ass I know all of you There's no need to take out your shit Sample just go fuck yourself you idiot

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