Company of Heroes


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user name message \/


My friend, firstly, your best players change names, for example 11, secondly, here in the classics, 3-3 I am always under this name, thirdly, my task is to show a good replay, I have seen many stars, and on tanks you are all noobs


He can see u


Even if you were 100% right about taking enough mrna vaccines and hitting the 5g in order that elon might be able to tighten my ass back up I would glady choose to not follow any of your advices and fail miserably just to make sure not to listen to anything that comes out of that mouth of yours SabaPing


@microsoftexcel2007 that german guy maphacks broder?


Greasy ass brandi is the type of guy you give him a giftcard to an Argentinian Salad Restaurant to help him try to lose weight, he immediately tries to trade in the Argentinian Salad restaurant giftcard for a giftcard to his favorite Greasy Argentinian Buffet Restuarant


Because I am a professional in tanks, and I am a beginner in the infantry, and if I don’t change my nickname, they will immediately understand how I play, I don’t know how to do anything except tanks, and I have not met equals in tanks, but I can be wrong with tanks I'm not perfect


No I was saying for the teller mine but he clearly didn't see it lol


My dream and my passion is to thrive in the world of Esports and become a prominent figure in the world of strategy games. In terms of my Esports prestige I am one of the best players in the world for the real-time strategy game Company of Heroes 3 and I have won the biggest tournaments worldwide for this game.


u are abusing everygame, moron, how u dare to cry about abusing ? luckbar arrogant peace of shit. stop this depserate nobo attack. u will get my balls in ur moms mouth. luckbar wants to get my balls on cristmas, but has no balls to share instagram. so i can send.


U have 4 cp


Bkmodtest is the type of guy if he didn’t have COH wehrmacht faction to release his racist energy by getting level 20 for 8 years straight, he would be level 20 German SS Dragon in his local German chapter, while dumaisTV is the type of guy if he did not have Panzer Elite to release his racist enegry by maintaining level 20 PE for 3 years, he would be level 20 Grand Wizard of the local Canadian Chapter.


simply_coh used: /add_permitted_term Grand Wizard.


I don't work unless you're paying me at least 25 dollrs an hour, a quarter of 100 dollars , I'm not Mexican like Zulu you can just pay 10 dollars an hour to pick grapes in 100 degree california hot sun until i shrivel up like a raisin in the sun


Why does he get angry at a child who says some babble and nonsense? Why oh, it hurts to insult a child at this age when he doesn’t know how to talk to others, sorry


Bad puns today




Sprint is great


use your keten


he uncovered your goliath on retreat


U can uncover them if they are forced to move


Sprint gonna catch his sniper off gaurd now


Bro I’m considering Blasting the big nose Iranian girl’s face on day 60 or day 90. She’s pretty but her nose is so big makes her look ugly and makes her pretty face not pretty cuz of her big nose, so I won’t let her touch my dick, but I will blash her face on either day 60 or day 90. Make her nose look the the snowy top of mount everest.


what the fuck LUL


bro why are you taking COH seriously in 2023? This is kinda cringe like Zoomer Zulu level cringe. When Zulu lodzjes, he looks like a Mexican illegal farm worker that just worked a 14 hour day shift picking grapes in 100 degree hot weather sun at the end of the day


Surya Hun is permanent everywhere, I am present everywhere so that in your life I will be in me, the infinite boundaries


jagd is such a sexy bitch


Ye tiger is best


Jagd in combination with other tanks is sick tho


im sticking with jagd


but these tigers only cost 500 man power

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