Company of Heroes


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user name message \/


13876650063 : cn : US : 1v1 Rank 4 : lvl 16 :


so bad at coh and drops every game but whines like a fucking bitch about everything you're literally one of the most infuriating retarded people i know probably works cash at grocery store then drops 75% of his coh games then talks shit in coh chat to feel better


this feels off page from where this coming,. does this mean I’ll have be somewhere like nyc or la to get the punchline or understand it at all? This sounds like 80s Or 60s But how I know I’ll still feel there’s a punchline in this tune But somehow I’ll still don’t know the reference




13876650063 : cn : US : 1v1 Rank 4 : lvl 16 :


Small penis incoming


x com bro you need to slap down these beach moderators of yours


nuke them all in to oblivion


zoom hack ✔ tryhard clown ✔ 5'6\" manlet ✔ 4 incher ✔ insect micro ✔




MDyo : br : PE : 1v1 Rank 71 : lvl 12 :


call him a jungle dweller


That truck can haul ass when it wants to


Ahh smoosh it


Puh puh puh push it real good


I don't have time to collect resources, there's nothing to play with, mg spam, snipers won't help, he wants to devour me right away, there are mines around, the game ended after the tanks appeared. thoughts?


Humans were originally made to hunt (heavy cardio) then afterwards bring the food to females in order have heavy cardio real life sex with agressive hip thrusting (Heavy cardio). Xcom on the other hand gets his food by pressing a button on his microwave (low cardio) and gets his women by clicking on a mouse (low cardio). How would this affect his cardiovascular system in the long term?


maybe you are a community champion, I do not know, but tanks do not work against champions, I need a professional infantry game, and I have problems with this, so I am not a champion.


He laughs at me,i laugh at him,I'm not the best tanker,i play 100 times,once a hundred,I play tanks well,I show here such a replay,I play badly on tanks 99 times,(that's an example),you play tanks better than me.I'm not on the list of the best tankers,my game is based on luck.The best tankers-MrSleaze.Argentinosaurus.General_Cheeze_.Simply@river-fishing.Feking.I'm not close to this list


There are things that decide the game, there are things that don't.If the attack is successful, then my attention is occupied with important matters, if the attack is not successful, then it is necessary to retreat correctly and engage the infantry!


Are you going to tell me what's stupid to write and what's not stupid?You urgently need a psychiatrist, you piece of shit, how many times have you insulted everyone for no reason, people like you are a disgrace to your country, you had to apologize to people, you clearly showed that you don't care about people's opinions, then what do you want now?Treat you with respect?Shall we play it again? I can't give these bastards a chance to, as they say, treat you with respect, but what kind of respect


Troll, you know what your big stupidity is, you think I started making machinery because I saw that you also started making cars, but if you decided to do bullshit, then watch any of my replays and you'll see that I do the same thing in every game, and compare the time if you It's interesting, I'm not going to prove anything, I'm not playing for statistics (except three on three), I'm playing for fun, for memory.


I have a theory why Napoleon has one hundred viewers, People are so SabaPing cuz they didn't get horny gay statement from face for one month, one month of gay SabaPing trapped inside Statement's face


Our Father, for this day, for our friends, for thy zander ( SabaPing ), for this lodzje, for stilet's 8 player semois, we thank Thee. Amen.


My son Basil loved this game. Sadly after binging on automatch he suffered a slow paralysis. He continued to play automatch in hospital and then, after a misdiagnosis, he began to turn to stone. A specialist eventually confirmed that he had Hargreaves Syndrome and said there was nothing he could do. A statue - well, it's not actually a statue, it is Basil - it's all we have left of him.


^ 5 star pasta


we call drywall plasterboard in the UK, i'm doing the research bro - 10ton 2023


Drywall (or plasterboard in the UK) is a panel made of calcium sulfate dihydrate (gypsum), with or without additives (but never cocaine), typically extruded between thick sheets of facer and backer paper, and sometimes sniffed by Kranksy on a Friday night for $900 USD per gram


Me love she, me find ways to express compelling interest as a means to vicariously drink some bubble tea. Me is love she finally the last line to bring me poem to sorted end, me just want to write to she when time comes to make she octogenarian beside me.


Me love she, she famous vietnamese singer me only living because she homeostasis banh mi. Me love she, she is beauty Me is on track to be trong middle name, gym friends call beastly. Me is love she, stars not always shine but light in she eyes constancy.

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