XCoin Streamer - [xcomreborn]


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I have a theory why Napoleon has one hundred viewers, People are so horny cuz they didn't get horny gay release from napoleon for one month, one month of gay semen trapped inside balls


I always lost to him, he stopped saying hello, I realized that he began to think I was shit, and everyone told me that I would not win such players, I had to drink a lot of coffee to prove the opposite.


SabaPing statements face?


He laughs at me,i laugh at him,I'm not the best tanker,i play 100 times,once a hundred,I play tanks well,I show here such a replay,I play badly on tanks 99 times,(that's an example),you play tanks better than me.I'm not on the list of the best tankers,my game is based on luck.The best tankers-MrSleaze.Argentinosaurus.General_Cheeze_.Simply@river-fishing.Feking.I'm not close to this list


SabaPing statements face SabaPing statements face SabaPing statements face. SabaPing statements face. SabaPing statements face. SabaPing statements face


I talked to him, he said he didn't like the choice of my troops, should I ask permission what to play with?After the conversation, he sent me, this is disgusting behavior, for no reason, it turns out if I lost, then sit quietly and keep your head down, if I won, they send me....now I myself am not interested in showing replays, I am unsuitable, for selected players, I am not worthy...


My name is aveator, but you can call me one aveator for short. I may be living in a small room with a towel for a curtain, but don't let that fool you - I'm a real catch. In my spare time I like to enjoy the company of some heroes while I breathe the freshly towel filtered air. If you are also a towel fanatic like me we could have some fabulous times together! I may not be the most conventional date, but I promise to bring a sense of adventure and creative imagination to any outing.


You know how much shit I've read from you on twitch TV, I've spent a lot of time on you, people like you make me do it, but don't worry......., I'll be leaving again soon, but here you're starring, for a collection


Go fuck yourself you cocksucker. Can’t take a joke, take a shuttle. Joey Diaz, Facebook, Twitter. Check yourself before you wreck yourself. Big dicks in your ass are bad for your health. Stay black, because that’s the most important thing.


aveator After studying 3,305 people ages 16 to 44, researchers found that the brain’s response time begins to decline at age 24. The descent is a slow, but nonetheless a steady one. The study also found that older participants compensated for their shortage of speed with strategy and efficiency.




never stream snipe ur boyz, real talk


watch hes got 7 falls waiting Kappa


aveator didn't want the ban MVGame


you dry fucked aveator so hard you might need to check if your dick is chafing


aveator is shit, confirmed MVGame


damn xcom show a little compassion


People might look at a bland room and see nothing, whereas I see endless possibilities to install towels! So if you're looking for a partner who's part shady fishing line salesman, part towel fanatic, and all-around good time, look no further than yours truly. Let's mop up some fun together!


thats like a testicle teaser


4 beers.. what a pussy


kill him xcom MVGame


stream sniping cunt


aveator banned after this game, MVGame


mods ban him


ok were driving down this bridge. well take em by suprise. FUUUUUUUUUUCK


don't do drugs kids, just look at aveator


AveatorReborn : us : PE : 1v1 Rank : lvl 0 : steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198023646821




I already did



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