XCoin Streamer - [xcomreborn]


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I love how these people that distrust the media and listen to some cuck are actually the ones being fooled while they think they are being the woke hating on the sheep I listen to people that are actually there and know what they are talking about, not the virtue signalling media that you like Statement remember when the media was trying to say Trump was going senile years ago, but they're not concerned at all that Biden can barely string a sentence together - @EdgeWalker69


that explains why the schreks were so good


Why do i have a feeling that simply would be one of those gym bro douchbages who drink protein powder all day on a tv show like the bachelorette or hot love prison island Australian version or Big Brother Australia


Feeding fish to your Jack Russell is a very healthy practice, but you will need to make sure that you are buying the right kind of fish for dogs. Your vet can give you an idea of what kind of fish is best for your dog, but he will most likely recommend salmon or zander. SabaPing


Yes, Jack Russells can eat fish. There are many health benefits associated with this kind of food. For one, adding fish to your dog’s diet can provide him with omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids help support immune function, joint health, heart health, and brain development in pups. Feeding your Jack Russell fish oil can also help maintain healthy skin and coat. SabaPing


The Jack Russell Terrier is a small terrier that has its origins in fox hunting in England. It is principally white-bodied and smooth, rough or broken-coated and can be any colour. Small tan and white terriers that technically belong to other breeds are sometimes known erroneously as \"Jack Russells\".


Hello American Psycho.




I think their undisputed masterpiece is \"Hip To Be Square\". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the band itself.


You like Huey Lewis and the News? Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. In '87, Huey released this; Fore!, their most accomplished album.


@simply_coh type of guy that takes 10-15 minute smoke breaks every hour and makes the rest of the workers have to work harder cuz he's away so they have to make up for him taking 12 cigarette breaks everyday and make up the lost work


i have no idea about jack, Russell, , but thx to my work, i work with alot of zoo, and i meet alot of animal care takers, vets etc. and one of the main reason for porching such as white rhino is for magic medecine....


blease bro i don't understand the two jack Russels analogy


Jack Russels*


@XcomReborn Can you use that analogy that we are two jack, Russell, again? I did not explain the first time you eggsplained


Sounds a little like Dr Jones LUL


i have a feeling 10bag and jt_jt are the same person LUL






Simply and Statement is the type of brothers that use Zoom Nose to smell each other's clothing from very far away zoomed out distance like a drug-sniffing dog's nose and be able to predict what type of cigarette each other smoked, without even seeing the cigarette package.


@simply_coh type of guy when he sees a good chubby Barivivan girl his mom recommends him, instead of good Christian chubby Bravian girl at the church that plays piano, he decides to get the crackhead Barivian girl because she’s crazier in bed to get a harder orgasm and reminds him of his best crackhead friend Statement the ZanderFish SabaPing


@XcomReborn Do you have a take on the most recent episode of the Trump Saga?


you got some kafka trap players here.


dat silence says everything


@XcomReborn did u ever send a dickpic to a woman?


are we aligned with the stars because we are made of star dust?




@XcomReborn bro can you scientifically explain why those star signs and zodiac signs match my personality so much?


did he go luft?



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