XCoin Streamer - [xcomreborn]


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Practice catch and release – To get bigger fish, anglers need to practice catch and release. That means when you catch a fish, quickly release it back into the water where it can grow bigger. If you want to make a meal, follow local fishing regulations and harvest only what you need SabaPing


Even if you were 100% right about hosting a website for less than £1300 per year I would glady choose to not follow any of your advices and fail miserably just to make sure not to listen to anything that comes out of that mouth of yours SabaPing




it's because it's fish boy


ban fish boy like you said earlier


Looks like boosting. I actually have very low zoom but mostly field of view edited. There is zoom and fov I need max zoom always SabaPing I have confirmation from relic community manager, its not a joke SabaPing. i dont even really zoom out u know that, I changed field of view its another command SabaPing this zooming thing has gone out of control, if i never did it on stream everyone would be able to zoom in peace SabaPing


guy will beg for all the cash possible and then ask for another £350 or something stupid to host a website for 6 months


I like fish. You always know what a fish is thinking. It has four moods. Happy, sad, cross, and lodzjing. Also, fish are faithful and they do not tell lies because they cannot talk - unlike fish boy SabaPing


fish boy knows about two or three things, including snitching, being slimy, and cheating in automatch


@StatementLive SabaPing passion SabaPing for SabaPing sturzdorf SabaPing langres SabaPing 1v1 SabaPing / SabaPing 2v2 SabaPing and SabaPing duclair SabaPing MONTARGIS SabaPing semois SabaPing belize


Handle fish with care. I try to not be rough handling the fish. Hold it at the bottom of the lip, and don’t remove its slime. Fish can get diseases if they don’t have the slime, which protects them SabaPing


it's not zoom cheat it's fov cheat DatSheffy


Looks like boosting. I actually have very low zoom but mostly field of view edited. There is zoom and fov I need max zoom always SabaPing I have confirmation from relic community manager, its not a joke SabaPing. i dont even really zoom out u know that, I changed field of view its another command SabaPing this zooming thing has gone out of control, if i never did it on stream everyone would be able to zoom in peace SabaPing


sounds like boosting


didn't dexen get banged out in round 1?


DumaisTV type of guy who would be a really good slave owner because he would never have sex with his black female slaves and take advantage of them because he thinks that black birds should stay with black birds and white birds should stay with white birds


sedar bro you sound like you've not gone outside in a few years


everybody else in the real world knows it's useful to be able to read stuff


bro it sounds like you live in some gran autismo theoretical reality, a bit like xcom


if you can't picture a scenario where the ability to read is advantageous then you are a simpleton, bro




The man who doesn't read (dumbass TV) hasn't any advantage over the man who can't read


dumbass television the type of guy who declared he was quitting watching star wars until they reduce the number of black people in it then purchases a Disney plus subscription after to watch old german war movies on it


DumaisTV type of guy to take a break from COH because his KKK Chapter wants him to invest more time into the future of White Canada


DumaisTV type of guy to get upset after watching a slavery documentary, not because of the slavery but because the documentary didn’t use the N-word with Hard R making the documentary unrealistic and historically innacurate according to his standards of realism and historical accuracy


DumaisTV is the type of guy to get upset over a slavery documentary, not because of the slavery but because the plantation owners were not wearing proper 1800s Uniforms, making the documentary unrealistic and historically inaccurate according to his standards of realism and historical accuracy


DumaisTV is the type of guy that when black customers show up at the restaurant where he works as a server, he hides in the back of the restaurant to avoid having to serve them and tells another server to serve them, and claims he can’t serve them because he can’t understand their accent, but he clearly can because according to his profile, he’s French Canadian but he’s actually more English


DumaisTV type of guy that goes to Art Portrait Museum full of paintings of people, when he sees paintings of Napoleon and King Louis the III, he is fine, but when he sees portraits of Malcolm X and M.L.K. he complains to the front desk about why those pictures are not real art because they are from the 1960s and not from the 1800s


that's sibilance bro there's things called de-essers which can combat that


and hitchens why orwell matters

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