Company of Heroes


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Point wasnt even connected


I dont mind loose stool as long as it comes out. If you eat wheat, it's sticky and you have to waste paper to wipe it


BlusonicX is a disguting blobber


isla 2 : ar : WM : 1v1 Rank 232 : lvl 7 :


It sounded like a beep, but yeah, the mic is fine




your micro is fine


mic is working


size doesnt matter or so am told


its russian hakers


excom hates russian hackers but would gladly accept russian hookers


Xcom is the type of guy when inviting one of his friends over for microwave Barbeque (BBQ) will instead accidentally text his friend BBC instead of BBQ from 20-year addiction reflexes every day


Xcom is the type of guy that doesn’t drink alcohol and thinks he’s healtheir than everyone else because he doesn’t drink alcohol, but then ends up getting a heart attact from lack of physical activity and too many greasy microwaved foods.


DumaisTV is the type of guy that plays so much coh3 to a point where when he sees a black girl at a bar (has to be at least half white for him to be attracted) would start some cringe conversation about the Afrika Korps and how Germany tried to make Africa Great again during ww2.


please no this spamming guys,its repetative and boring


DumaisTV is the type of guy during his first sexual experience with a black woman would most likely be singing about a Black African flower named Shaniqua (instead of a white flower German flower named Erika) while xcom is more the type of guy when losing virginity to a black girl would yell the N word (very high chance) at some point during his first sexual experience with a woman.


@Pr0jectIGI cry more


XcomReborn was a man who lived and breathed the strategy game, Company of Heroes. He had been playing it for many years, mastering every unit and tactic with ease. But as time passed, he began to struggle against low-level players. What was once a 15-minute affair was now taking him up to an hour. He couldn't understand why he was getting worse at the game he loved so much.


Hey there potential soulmates, it's your boy tcSONGS here! If you're looking for a good time, buckle up because you're in for a wild ride.


First things first, let me tell you a bit about myself. I drive a silver Nissan 350Z, so you know I'm all about speed and style. And if you're impressed by a fat wallet, you'll be happy to know that my taxable income is a cool $138,467.


strangely specific


When I'm not tearing up the streets in my sweet ride, you can find me chilling in my swanky $2,500 apartment. And let me tell you, my place is decked out with all the latest tech. In fact, I have the Samsung CEO on speed dial so I can send him videos of my Asian girlfriends having fun with Jamal. Just kidding (or am I?).


But enough about me, let's talk about what I'm looking for in a partner. If you're someone who's into high-speed chases, extravagant shopping sprees, and rooftop pool parties, then we're off to a good start. Bonus points if you're okay with paying $350/month for parking.


Listen to that engine purr


So, what do you say? Ready to take a ride on the wild side with tcSONGS? Let's swipe right and see where this goes.


Hey there, online dating world! I'm tcSONGS and if my car doesn't catch your attention, my bank account definitely will. With a taxable income of $138,467, you can rest assured that I won't be asking you to split the bill on our first date.


But enough about finances, let's talk about my silver Nissan 350Z. It's sleek, it's stylish, and it's the only thing that can come close to matching my swagger. Plus, it's a great car for impressing my Asian girlfriends - who, by the way, love to have fun with Jamal. Don't worry, I have the Samsung CEO on speed dial to send you videos.


surely he asks to split the bill before the date.


I live in a $2,500 apartment, but don't let that fool you - I spared no expense on the parking. I pay $350 a month to ensure that my baby (the Nissan, not my girlfriends, cuz they are usually with Jamal ROFL) is always safe and sound.


Speaking of my girlfriends, I have a thing for Asian women. I mean, who doesn't? They're exotic, beautiful, and let's be real - they make me look good. But don't worry, ladies of all ethnicities are welcome to apply for the position of \"tcSONGS' next conquest\".

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