Company of Heroes


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The zander is considered one of the most valuable food fish native to Europe. It is esteemed for its light, firm but tender meat with few bones and a delicate flavour SabaPing Although it is not generally bred for food, its adaptability makes zander fishery quite sustainable SabaPing


Imagine wearing your enemies like an inside out glove in the shape of a turkey sausage


@10bag and they would be 100% right


This is going to sound crazy, but someone posted that same paragraph just a minute ago. Here in this chat even. The odds of two people having the same paragraph-long thought is astronomical, especially in the same small website. Wow.




Hi my name is Statement, I’m a Zander Fish from the Netherlands and I live in a fishbowl SabaPing. I started my COH career 7 years ago as a bren carrier but now I’m a full-blown kangaroo carrier. Now I’m a bigger Zander fish, I can no longer fit in the bren carrier fish bowl and have to move to a kangaroo carrier fish bowl because I’m a big zander fish now SabaPing


coh community is angry wehraboos, tryhard clowns and masochists


coh community is angry wehraboos, tryhard clowns and masochists


this company of heroes community is something else! id expect this type of toxicity from x q c or trainwrecks stream but not here. nothing but griefers, ram ranch beggers, SabaPing spammers, and pasta men. you should be ashamed of yourselves






Have you seen Denise Richards lately? ew, I can't believe I touched myself sensually to her when I was 12.


so bad at coh and drops every game but whines like a fucking bitch about everything you’re literally one of the most infuriating retarded people i know probably works cash at grocery store then drops 75% of his coh games then talks shit in coh chat to feel better


so i ask you again, now and forever. listen. we are trying to reach level 20 for the community.


Looks like boosting. I actually have very low zoom but mostly field of view edited. There is zoom and fov I need max zoom always SabaPing I have confirmation from relic community manager, its not a joke SabaPing . i dont even really zoom out u know that, I changed field of view its another command SabaPing this zooming thing has gone out of control, if i never did it on stream everyone would be able to zoom in peace SabaPing






its not a joke SabaPing


coh community is angry wehraboos, tryhard clowns and masochists


penis penis penis penis. Penis jokes have been enabledby steam


DumaisTV type of guy that goes to Art Portrait Museum full of paintings of people, when he sees paintings of Napoleon and King Louis the III, he is fine, but when he sees portraits of Malcolm X and M.L.K. he complains to the front desk about why those pictures are not real art because they are from the 1960s and not from the 1800s


wow this chat is so immature, i can't even imagine how you are able to live in real life. Spamming nonsense 24/7. real viewers trying to learn from the game can't focu


( ☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) ☞ if i'm not pay i lodzje? i don't want lodzje, so i pay. This is everytime more pay. We have to pay everytime, why? cuz everyone pay. pay pay, they says pay? you win? fuckoff, so if you pay you win and if i not pay then i am lodzje? you want to make me lodzje????? always make cash, cash pay, cash and then they say no pay, why? because you have to lodzje! no pay? but i want to pay! if i pay i'm win? if i'm not pay i'm lodzje, shut the fuck


a friend of mine she now lives next tank and whenever she gives a party fucking 10 different fishes that know me have to ring my tankbell at 1 am and ask me if i come to her tank this shit happens fucking 2 to 3 times a week now its so fucking annoying




fucking listen to Rommel Dumb ass. gotta defend those fucking villagers.


Africa Krops is my favorite faction, just wish they didn't use the the word \"Africa\" maybe call it Elite Krops or Korps Elite - DumaisTV 2023




Wait there is a good game going actually?

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