Company of Heroes


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How's it going




dumais? more like dumbass i am right? Kappa




xcom would you rather have 10 out of 10 with arby's roast beef vagina or 6 out of 10 with immaculate minge?


@10bag hahahahaha LUL




If you leave and destroy streak I will never stream again. and I am known in the community


so i ask you again, now and forever. listen. we are trying to reach level 20 for the community.


ok, im out. evertyone times me out. u have crigne mods xCOm. sad. see u in winter, when u cry about gaz.




so bad at coh and drops every game but whines like a fucking bitch about everything you’re literally one of the most infuriating retarded people i know probably works cash at grocery store then drops 75% of his coh games then talks shit in coh chat to feel better


please leave. we have 80 game streak and we do this for the community. since steam the game is good since 20 years. Im known and ive kept the community alive for awhile, so i ask you again, now and forever, for the whole community. if you stay and destroy streak i will never stream again, so i ask you one more time, now and forever please go pshusppspshpushpspshppshusppspshpushpspshp xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcom


I love how these people that distrust the media and listen to some cuck are actually the ones being fooled while they think they are being the woke hating on the sheep I listen to people that are actually there and know what they are talking about, not the virtue signalling media that you like Statement (SabaPing) remember when the media was trying to say Trump was going senile years ago, but they're not concerned at all that Biden can barely string a sentence together






Nobody took medications today? Kappa




A hat is a simple way to cover up bald spots. Just make sure it isn’t too tight. A very tight hat could decrease blood flow to the hair follicles, which could cause them to fall out. Instead, put on a comfortable hat, such as a fedora or a baseball cap for a quick and easy solution.




Indeed, in some regions release of young zanders is restricted, as natural stocks already provide a sufficient supply for the market, while boosting the population of this large predator would have an adverse effect on populations of its prey. Zander is especially well suited for fish fillets SabaPing It can also be served whole, baked, smoked or cooked. In some culinary circles, zander is appreciated even more highly than salmon. Even the offals can be cooked into consommé SabaPing


Gravemouth type of guy that eats too much greazy greek food, then goes on interent gym forum to pretend that he's a fit bodybuilder like Krankys that drinks protien powdershakes all day, when in reality he's only eating greazy greek foods and not real bodybuilder cuz doesn't have dicipline to be real bodybuilder like kransky


Do you think you can still win this game?


i can't fuck with girls who smoke cigs bro it's Đ€ŞǤØŞŦΔŇǤ i physically gag when i smell all the cancer chemcials and i start getting headaches when i drive back in my car on my drive home i'm just gagging and about to vomit in my car then i feel nausous for the rest of the night




I love you like the Prophets of old loves God. Adam started off alone until eve came along and taught him how to foxtrot. I love you like Noah loves God's dry land. I want to go everywhere with you, and during the most intimate times extending them to everlasting moments of being hand in hand. I love you like Abraham loves God's will. God blessed him as the father of many nations. As for yourself, I believe God has blessed you with fan's sincere adulations.


I love you like Elijah loves God's running brook. Here besides the waterways I await your brand new look. I love you like Elisha loves God's blessings. Double the amount was his wish to be bestowed upon himself, you are to me like a salad with two different dressings. I love you like Jeremiah loves God's warning. The way you are, living with never a dull moment captivates my imagination no matter how many pictures you post, my heart and mind along with my soul still wanting more and yearni


I love you like Daniel loves God's gift of interpreting dreams. Pharaoh king of Egypt benefited from what only God alone declares foreseen. I love you like Moses loves the ten things God commanded. Great Pharaoh king of Egypt, let my people go he demanded. I love you like Jesus loves God's wish. Whatever God wanted, even to the point of his body to the cross afixed. I love you like Muhammad loves God's word. Following God's guidance he avoided a future of premature funeral dirge.


Whats MADDENING is how bad i am. it just simply doesnt make sense.. it'd be okay if i had just gotten old, but a shitload of people from then are still good now, i feel like i must have had a brain injury but then that's SO unfair and so extreme it makes me want to do a rage shooting


How to take a milk bath. To make a milk bath, you can add 1 to 2 cups of milk to a full tub of warm water. You can also add in essential oils, bath salts, honey, or baking soda for additional benefits. Fill bathtub with warm water and add in milk and optional ingredients.

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