Company of Heroes


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Master Of The Multiverse Xcomreborn has 39224.60 XCoin(s).


jesus did not answer me why socialism doesn't work




Myzelium is not in an army.




skipped the question


chat was filling up too


i also dont know if alex jones should be reinstated at twitter.


jesus also dropped the ball at the Epimenides paradox.


self referencing


MagicalAnimeGirl : us : WM : 1v1 Rank 40 : lvl 13 :


some guy kept putting in paradoxons and chat has some lols


English coh Champ Streaming 😎💪🏻 how doing Ecks kalm?


Did u watch charlie getting crown then


once the magical anima girl is crushed it will be better Kreygasm


Why would anyone be interested in that anyway? Like a email memo will do


Why would I want to join a bunch of ignorant bigots like Reborn? I'm new to the game, and enjoyed the 4ES posts and strat discussions, but now that your true colors come through I'm sure you'd be the LAST clan I consider joining.


One dog sees another dog on the computer, he asks him \"why do you go on the internet?\" The other dog answers back \"because no one on the internet knows I am a dog.\": This is true, there is now way you will ever now he is a dog. Unless he does ventrilo.


why is the pompous twat XCOM still allowed here as co-caster?? He who was 100% behind Russia when they took Chrimea! #pompoustwat


No experts in geopolitics in the chat today?


@commandokai they got a sugar hit from stealing all the foreign assets in Russia but that will wear off and they will get teleported back to the 90s and china won't risk saving them cus they only account for 2 percent of their trade


I love how these people that distrust the media and listen to some cuck are actually the ones being fooled while they think they are being the woke hating on the sheep I listen to people that are actually there and know what they are talking about, not the virtue signalling media that you like Statement ( SabaPing ) remember when the media was trying to say Trump was going senile years ago, but they're not concerned at all that Biden can barely string a sentence together


As a neighbour of Germany and currently also living under a social-democrat regime I am not amused But at least we don't live in Australia Clown world run by clowns We are living in a south park episode and the smear merchants will and everyone around will just act as if nothing fucked up was just said Its a massive grift turned into mass psychoses at this point everyone know the truth but all are too scared to say it


XcomReborn is the type of guy who doesn’t save himself for marriage but instead saves himself for the first female human AI robot. Little does he know that his sedentary lifestyle and greasy microwave food addiction will take him out before the first human female AI sex robot will be created.


commandokai type of guy thats very pro trump and complaining that the IRS is gonna come after him, but he literally has no money just living off of disability checks and threaten a civil war when he doesn't even have cardio to run 1 mile without passing out


XcomReborn is the type of guy who doesn’t save himself for marriage, but instead saves himself for the first female human AI robot. Little does he know that his sedentary lifestyle and greasy microwave food addiction will take him out before the first human female AI sex robot will be created.


seen more naked women than Ghengis Khan ✅ maintaining the same number of body count as Issac Newton ✅


Rye bread is considered more nutritious than wheat bread. As well as being super filling, it also contains more fibre and B vitamins than wheat breads. And whilst it's not entirely gluten free, it does contain less gluten than regular wheat bread alternatives.


Does he have med bunker


@XcomReborn Well You're a genius, Why are you so smart? Did you get most of your IQ from COH 1? What's your day job eggs? What Uni did you go. Classic. Cynic all the way. I have a degree in computer science. What degree do you have?

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