Company of Heroes


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In Africa, salt was used as currency south of the Sahara, and slabs of rock salt were used as coins in Abyssinia.[15] The Tuareg have traditionally maintained routes across the Sahara especially for the transportation of salt by Azalai (salt caravans).


Looking for love in all the wrong places? Well, you've finally stumbled upon the right one - XcomReborn! I'm a 42-year-old British man who's been in between jobs for 4 years, but don't worry, I'm not a total slacker. I've been working hard on perfecting my couch potato skills, and let me tell you, I'm an absolute pro.


XcomReborn is the type of guy that has a PhD., so he’s smart enough to know that if he goes to a store in the daytime, there is a high chance of a British Zoomer Like Zulu recording him on tik tok, catching him being racist and going viral on tik tok with the video title “middle aged man caught being racist in 4k”, (very high chance) but at the same time he’s too afraid to go out at night because of jamal, causing a dilemma which causes him to stay indoors most of the time.


The word salary comes from the Latin word for salt. The reason for this is unknown; a persistent modern claim that the Roman Legions were sometimes paid in salt is baseless. The word salad literally means \"salted\", and comes from the ancient Roman practice of salting leaf vegetables.


Xcom is the type of guy, that if he ever gets a girlfriend that cooks him dinner, he would still let it get cold, just so he can microwave it later and enjoy it in its full microwaved glory


@XcomReborn bro go to Canada, meet dumaisTV and start your own Bloods and Crips version of a gang, except its all white people you make your own white gang and dumaisTV makes his own white gang and then beef with each other


Xcom is the type of guy his gang, their daily bread or staple food would be microwave meals and tea or lemony drinks for the perfect dad bod, while dumaisTV his gang, their daily bread or staple food would be rum and coke and chicken breast for the perfect abs


A white man like DumaisTV saying he only wants to be with white women because he only likes light skin and light eyes is different from a Black woman who prefers men of color because she wants to avoid fetish-seeking matches and racist messages (slavery (master/slave) roleplay)




Available Voices : 0. Zira (US) 1. James (AU) 2. Matilda (AU) 3. Eva (CA) 4. Linda (CA) 5. Richard (CA) 6. George (GB) 7. Susan (GB) 8. Sean (IE) 9. Heera (IN) 10. Ravi (IN) 11. Eva (US) 12. Mark (US) 13. Hazel (GB) 14. David (US) 15. Catherine (AU)


Butter is a dairy product made from the fat and protein components of churned cream. It is a semi-solid emulsion at room temperature, consisting of approximately 80% butterfat. It is used at room temperature as a spread, melted as a condiment, and used as a fat in baking, sauce-making, pan frying, and other cooking procedures.


DumaisTV is the type of guy when a black man is jogging in his neighborhood will be the first to get in his car and follow him in his car, (left hand driving the car) / (Right hand calling the royal mounted police) following the man from a safe distance from his car, while xcom is more the type of guy who is too afraid to follow Jamal but instead call the police from his balcony from a very far distance.


Xcomrborn is the type of guy, who when he gets a VR machine, instead of using it like a normal person and going around the world to visit different places or playing videogames virtually, he immediately goes to his favorite BBC porn scene with Jamal to get a virtual BBC experience.


DumaisTV type of guy that goes to Art Portrait Museum full of paintings of people, when he sees paintings of Napoleon and King Louis the III, he is fine, but when he sees portraits of Malcolm X and M.L.K. he complains to the front desk about why those pictures are not real art because they are from the 1960s and not from the 1800s


DumaisTV type of guy to buy a Disney subscription just so he can complain in the Disney members forum/comment section, then try to cancel his subscription, when the customer support lady says seeing too many black people in star wars is not a valid reason for canceling membership, then he rage quits the call and binge watches ww2 documentaries on Disney for one month and claims he has no time to play COH until August


Unhomogenized milk and cream contain butterfat in microscopic globules. These globules are surrounded by membranes made of phospholipids (fatty acid emulsifiers) and proteins, which prevent the fat in milk from pooling together into a single mass. Butter is produced by agitating cream, which damages these membranes and allows the milk fats to conjoin, separating from the other parts of the cream.


Variations in the production method will create butters with different consistencies, mostly due to the butterfat composition in the finished product. Butter contains fat in three separate forms: free butterfat, butterfat crystals, and undamaged fat globules. In the finished product, different proportions of these forms result in different consistencies within the butter; butters with many crystals are harder than butters dominated by free fats.


DumaisTV is the type of guy when he plays games where you get to build your own character like in SIMS or some other game where you get to design your own character, he will max out the whiteness skin color to the maximum on the characters, then add blonde hair and blue eyes, then using his graphic design experience will draw a swastika face tattoo if its a male character or will draw a “Meine Ehre heißt Treue” tramp stamp tattoo if its a female character to create his virtual dream girl


Simply is the type of guy that would take a 6/10 woman who smokes over 10/10 women who don’t smoke, because according to his cigarette addiction logic, 6/10 sex with a 6/10 woman turns into 12/10 when he smokes a cigarette with the woman after sex, because the cigarette doubles the rating of the experience as a 2x multiplier according to his cigarette addiction mathematics.


excom favorite opponent, mexican ofcourse


Simply type of guy that makes the Mexicans like zulu pick up all the grapes 🍇 while he becomes the plantation manager and taking up to 3 hours smoke break for every 8 hours of work


I prefer nubmuffin over dumaisTV because at least Nubmuffin is brutally honest about his racisim, compared to dumaisTV trying very hard to hide his racisim, and he fails at it because he’s very bad at hiding it


Simply and Statement is the type of brothers that use Zoom Nose to smell each other's clothing from very far away zoomed out distance like a drug-sniffing dog's nose and be able to predict what type of cigarette each other smoked, without even seeing the cigarette package SabaPing


g g well played, good luck


Simply is the type of guy that hotboxes cigarettes in his car during cigarette breaks, then when he comes back from 10 min smoke break, he comes back to work smelling like chemicals and makes everyone want to vomit during eight hour shift


Simply type of guy that takes 10-15 minute smoke breaks every hour and makes the rest of the workers have to work harder cuz he's away so they have to make up for him taking 12 cigarette breaks everyday and make up the lost work


DumaisTV is the type of guy when growing up, his parents will read him super racist bedtime stories like ten little ******* for example.


my advice is look at what xcom does from day to day, then do the complete opposite of what he does. Has a 100% success rate in curing depression


Black people tip me the least when I’m working at the restaurant - DumaisTV 2021

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