XCoin Streamer - [xcomreborn]


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XcomReborn is the type of guy who doesn’t save himself for marriage but instead saves himself for the first female human AI robot. Little does he know that his sedentary lifestyle and greasy microwave food addiction will take him out before the first human female AI sex robot will be created.


There are few who'd deny, at microwaving foods I am the best, For my talents are renowned in the UK. When it comes to surprises like Jamal jumping out of the bushes, I excel at being afraid without even trying. With the slightest little effort of my dadbod rizz, I have seen grown women give out a shriek. With a wave of my finger, and a well-placed button punch, I have cooked the very best microwave meals.


XcomReborn is the type of guy that has a PhD., so he’s smart enough to know that if he goes to a store in the daytime, there is a high chance of a British Zoomer Like Zulu recording him on tik tok, catching him being racist and going viral on tik tok with the video title “middle aged man caught being racist in 4k”, (very high chance) but at the same time he’s too afraid to go out at night because of jamal, causing a dilemma which causes him to stay indoors most of the time.


Verily I say unto thee, depart from our presence, for we have achieved a streak of 80 games, and we do this for the betterment of the community. Since the advent of Steam, this game hath remained good for two decades. I, being known among the community, have sustained it for a time. Therefore, I beseech thee once more, both now and for all eternity, for the sake of the entire community, that thou depart from us. If thou dost remain and cause our streak to falter, I shall never again stream.


heavy check mark


bro why are you so afraid of getting banned? The only time you're in danger is if lexy is in the chat. Right now, lexy is watching super bowl so you're not in danger. You're only in danger when She's in chat and you call her the F word or if you go full Kaos and tell her she has a mental illnesss


⚔️🇬🇧 COH Pro✔️ PhD :heavy_check_mark: Techno :x: Winning :heavy_check_mark: Knowing of all things :heavy_check_mark: Better than you at all things ✔️🇬🇧⚔️


✔️⚔️CANADA AFRICA KROPS Pro✔️ White Rum ✔️ music concert for white people ✔️ white family ✔️


looking for someone to come over and stomp on my train set while i masterbate. no weirdos though please


RTS Pro ✔ retired PhD ✔ Best UK Microwave meal master ✔ Voice of a boomer ✔ Knowing of all things microwave and porn related ✔ Better than you at living a sedentary lifestyle ✔


⚔️🇬🇧 RTS Pro ✔️ retired PhD ✔️ Best UK Microwave meal master ✔️ Voice of a boomer ✔️ Knowing of all things microwave and porn related ✔️ Better than you at living a sedentary lifestyle 🇬🇧 ✔️ ⚔️


.:: Hinix ::. : mx : PE : 1v1 Rank 75 : lvl 11 : steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169727471


⚔️🇬🇧 RTS Pro ✔️ retired PhD ✔️ Best UK Microwave meal master ✔️ Voice of a boomer ✔️ Knowing of all things microwave and porn related ✔️ Better than you at living a sedentary lifestyle 🇬🇧 ✔️ ⚔️


RTS Pro ✔ retired PhD ✔ Best UK Microwave meal master ✔ Voice of a boomer ✔ Knowing of all things microwave and porn related ✔ Better than you at living a sedentary lifestyle ✔


I am looking for a person to hold my phone steady while I masturbate, no wetrdos please


wtf LUL


Xcom type of guy to be pissed everytime he goes to grocery store because he always sees Jamal with his dream girl, and the only way for him to release.the racism energy is going home and watching BBC porn instead of doing a normal Asian Vietcong racism releases


just turn it off LUL




10% less


Xcom is the type of guy when his microwave meal is ready, instead of waiting two minutes for his food to cool down, he wants instant gratification and eats his food right away and burns his mouth, but instead of learning from his mistake, he will do the same thing again and keep burning his mouth over and over again on hot microwave meals


now its too loud


saw this french movie about concert pianist, so basically they start at like 4 years old and practice like 9 hours a day. Xcom could be an artist if he directed all his sexual 20 years of sexual frustration energy into art, instead of using his sexual energy to watch porn 9 hours a day


its fine now


The TTS is pretty low tho




Xcom is the type of guy after getting banned, he will back off and obey the rules because he’s afraid to lose his only source of social contact to the outside world and will have major PTSD and fear about getting banned again even years after the ban while Kaos is more the type of guy that will get banned, and after getting unbanned months later will double down with zero fear and not obey the rules like a slavic warrior singing my dad is a war criminal.


Our Father, who could be an artist in heaven, hallowed be the PhD in thy name; thy kingdom come; thy microwave meal will be done; on the microwave, as it is not in the oven. Give us this day our grease free bread. And forgive us our grefers, as we forgive those who gref against us. And lead us not into the temptation of BBC porn; but deliver us from the fear of Jamal. Amen. - The Lord’s Prayer by XcomReborn 2022




tell the riflemen to put supressors on

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