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The responsibility rests on all of us. Each person has their own resposibility to the whole of society


The responsibility falls on the high risk individuals, and if they choose to live life like 2019 i support them.


@1aveator I am advicating for the lack of mandates not more. Im just saying doing nothing is not responsible


@1aveator I don't think we agree, your idea of personal responsibilty revolves around athoritarian views, mine don't.


its 2021. We have the science to understand this kind of stuff. We dont have the culture to do \"enough\" about it


Thats almost like saying if I am in good health, I dont want to take any risk other than what I consider to be a signicant risk? Almost like your life in that regard is some how more valuable than the arbitrary health of those at risk?


thats not an absolute position i could see the situation changing depending on the severity of the virus, a long history of the vaccine, etc. but not in this particular situation with covid


Immagine bing in this chat and not being a mod, must feel strange


even setting policy aside i dont see why i should have a moral imperative to potentially jeopardize my own health to accomodate someone else a portion of society has arbitrarily decided their health is more valuable


they often do not live in a bubble and spread the disease on their way to recovery


and if someone isnt immuno compromised and can get vaccine but decided not too even though they are in bad health, thats their fault


allow me to avoid your public health policies then


maybe the immuno compromised should take one for the team instead and live accordingly instead of expecting everyone else to bend over for them


yet we ask that they get the disease and survive? Do we really know the impact of those consequences yet?


we dont really know yet but either way its ridiculous to make that judgement call for someone else its their health at stake too and they dont owe it to society to take one for the team


that's so stupid how he didn't lost it


@ilikecakeyo It is about personal responsibiliity. I agree


Which is lower? The potential of side effects, or the disease itself?


i havent brought up big pharma my point is low risk people dont have obligation to subject themselves to potential vaccine side effects


Your just making up moronic arguments that make no sense, it's about personal responsibility.


\"It should be on poor health individuals to take that precation\"- what kinds of poor health are you refering to?


If you are immuno compromised then don't go to a bar, or a concert, or whatever, if your worried about drunk drivers, stay off the road. How is that complicated?


What are you talking about? I gave an example, that wasnt it, your making stuff up


Im actually agrueing for persnal resposibility not authoritarianism


Your grasping straws now, you get the point, you have no counter other than you want more authoritarianism to feel safe


What kinds of health should we bar from society? who is the arbiter in that?


I dont have to drive to be hit by a drunk


It should be on poor health individuals to take that precation, just like it's on you to decide you shouldnt drive if your at risk getting hit by a drunk. It's really that simple


And not having a mandate would be the best


and big pharma making money is not a justifiable excuse to that. This is a problem but its a different problem.

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