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Native look-alikes and how you can tell them apart from a zander: Walleye: Body color is much more golden, light dorsal fin with a dark area at the base, white spot on the bottom of the tail Sauger: Spots on the dorsal fin Yellow Perch: 6-9 vertical bars on their sides, no canines


A small, strangely shaped fish, the bullhead (also known as the 'Miller's Thumb') has a very large head, relatively large fins and a tapering body. It lives on the bottom of fast, stony rivers and streams feeding on invertebrates, such as mayfly and caddisfly larvae, and the eggs of other fish. Spawning occurs between February and June: the eggs are laid underneath stones or in pits and the male guards and cares for them attentively.


This guy has been maphacking


You have 120 seconds to place your bets.


Probability for Xcomreborn PE to win : 0.5.


Xcomreborn PE Vs. Sblaowai333 US .


!startbets XcomReborn PE Vs. sblaowai333 US


sblaowai333 : cn : US : 1v1 Rank 39 : lvl 13 : steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198353311276




!unignore napoleonicass


cmon big tuna


snitchveator never turns down sloppy seconds


For this crowd? No way.


Can grow up to 100 cm in length. Gill cover (opercle) does not have a spine (the gill cover of native Walleye and Sauger both have 1 short sharp spine). Two dorsal (back) fins, the first containing spines and the second containing soft rays. The anal fin has 2 to 3 spines and multiple soft rays. Tend to be green to blue-grey on the side with a white belly and yellow-grey fins. The dorsal (back) and caudal (tail) fins have rows of black spots


Visit https://www.xcoins.co.uk/betLog.php?stream=xcomreborn&betSession=mostrecent for more information.


2 out of 2 betters won a total of : 200000.00 XCoin(s).


Master Sergeant Throwthematch won : 100000.00 XCoin(s) and their new balance is : 2242787.96 XCoin(s).


First Sergeant Statementcoh won : 100000.00 XCoin(s) and their new balance is : 1825179.48 XCoin(s).


Well done Xcomreborn.


!i won


Sweet, sweet non copy pasta silence. Kreygasm


why it keep doing it 2x NotLikeThis


aveator doesn't need extra fish facts due to personal experience with being a fish




Zander competes with native fish species for food and habitat resources. Zander can also prey directly on native fish species, reducing biodiversity and changing the species composition of the invaded ecosystems. Hybridization is known to occur between Zander and the Volga Pike-Perch, and there are concerns that it could potentially hybridize with related native Ontario species, like Walleye or Sauger. This species may spread new diseases to a waterbody


Zander competes with native fish species for food and habitat resources. Zander can also prey directly on native fish species, reducing biodiversity and changing the species composition of the invaded ecosystems. Hybridization is known to occur between Zander and the Volga Pike-Perch, and there are concerns that it could potentially hybridize with related native Ontario species, like Walleye or Sauger. This species may spread new diseases to a waterbody and infect many other aquatic species livi


!ignore napoleonicass


Preferring to live in lakes, rivers, and streams, Zander have been found in the brackish


Zander, also commonly known as Pike-Perch, European Pike-Perch, and European Walleye, is a fish from freshwater and brackish habitats in western Eurasia. This species is very similar to its North American cousin, the Walleye. Like Walleye, this is a popular game fish and has been intentionally introduced in thousands of lakes in Europe outside of its native range to establish sport and commercial fisheries.


Zander, also commonly known as Pike-Perch, European Pike-Perch, and European Walleye, is a fish from freshwater and brackish habitats in western Eurasia. This species is very similar to its North American cousin, the Walleye. Like Walleye, this is a popular game fish and has been intentionally introduced in thousands of lakes in Europe outside of its native range to establish sport and commercial fisheries. Preferring to live in lakes, rivers, and streams, Zander have been found in the brackish

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